Trying to control how technology evolves is niave.
But I do agree it goes against what most Hive users want to see.
I take a different approach and I know it is because I don't take writing seriously. I take the approach of a consumer which is.. if it is interesting and relevant, I don't care how you made it or how long it took you, or even how many words it has.
I know my views are not inline with those who consider content creation an art. Again, likely because I don't take my own writing very seriously
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I'm not suggesting that we ban AI but rather be honest about what created a particular piece of content.
It may be a beautiful image, music or text whatever it is. It must have an attribution to the AI that created it and not passed off as an individual's work. That's just straight up plagiarism.
Setting up an AI bot to create and post content is not really the problem. Is it going to grow the platform or harm it... is the real question.
In my experience as someone who has been in the computer industry since the early 1980's no one can control technology... until they do.
AI is a tool much like any program. GiGO.
I think people are over AI already to be honest.
AI art has a definite 'look' to it. Generic.
The learning data seems heavily influenced by 70's hippie posters. 😂👍🏼
I thought it seemed highly influenced by reading it an encyclopedias and a boring one at that.
It also seems to have read or been fed a lot of Marketing Material.
It's a long way from perfect but give it 5 years and it'll be something to contend with in terms of reliability and quality of prose if they are allowed to update the machine learning.
The most common AI's in public use today had the machine learning functions stopped a couple of years ago.
Have you tried the Bing AI? Fucking nightmare lol
I haven't tried the bing one! I guess I should.
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But I think you take society very seriously. Project forward what will happen to the social interaction of people on Hive when AI is producing all the content. Will we be content in the comment section of AI blogs?
I hope we don't find out.
I truly think we are a very long way from that, as many people find just typing their thoughts out very easily and I would even go so far to say that artificial screams for quality in fact are what would lead people to do such a thing.
Months, maybe. It's already been ongoing for a long time. There are users on Hive with ~10k accounts that have long been milking bots. The increase in the quality of the AI posting will accelerate the process, hopefully making it egregious and even more noxious, so that we become willing to do something about it that will work.