Without privacy what is the point of freedom. It’s disturbing to think that our society is moving towards the mindset that if you want your data private and your finances un-surveilled you must have something to hide. Anyone with “something to hide” must be an enemy of the state. These are twisted times... And many are beginning to ask questions like, “What advantages do common citizens have for participation within a country.” These are the sorts of totalitarian thinking that strip individual freedom, erode trust, and dissolution the vision people have for building a future that’s worthwhile.
I hope freedom loving people everywhere resist this bill and the notion of “domestic terror”. At some point will they begin to ask better questions of themselves and hold responsibility for their own actions to their constituents? We are not electing overlords here... we are electing representatives...
And if those representatives do not listen to the people who elect them... what should those people do? I fear that democracy by representation may have to evolve to democracy by itemized issue.
Human freedoms need to continue to evolve rather than contract. When they are contracting it is every citizens responsibility to ask politely (at first) and then demand an accounting of actions (or lack there of) taken.
Thanks for the write up @themarkymark. It’s good for me to catch up on general sentiment and to also get a sense of the state of society from time to time. I don’t listen or watch a lot of mainstream news as I like to be a bit removed from it. It helps me think more objectively for myself. Anyways... I’m counting this as a quick political check up around a very important issue.
I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.
Honestly, it would be better if I never had to use fiat again so while I hope it doesn't pass, I'm more concerned about getting everything in order so I don't have to use exchanges at all and thus not worry about it. If I need something I can't grow organically or mine I can hit a DEX, but prefer to just make my own. Soon we'll have tech that can replace the power of Visa's backing, no need for a physical card, and won't need to engage with the feds on their terms at all anymore. That's my hope. I want the government to remember we're running the show...not pawns to be played.
On a side note, on this subject, I wonder how long before I can just make my own coin and ensure it's value is stable, connect it to something like what Visa is doing with Block FI, and have my earning auto convert to my own money.
I agree...There's just so many loop holes to finance now. It's truly a new frontier with as many hazards as opportunities! Being a skilled operator with a critical and quick mind is where it's at! I like to equate investing and risk to driving. There's plenty of risky drivers on the roads... just like there's plenty of risky investors. People get so focused on the investment/vehicle that they forget the operative consideration is their own performance. And it's usually best to start off small and scale things out! That's how you avoid being the pawn that's played!
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! It's always good to hear new peoples thoughts because it gets the brain juice going! 👍
Thanks for chiming I’m. I like your analogy. So many of us just trying to keep it on the road amid a pileup. Lol.
And gawd there’s a pileup out there right now isn’t there?! 😳😬😲😵
Everything I have is piling up :D
Hahaha! Keep on HODL’ing my friend! Price is what you pay BUT value is what you get. Keeping this kiln mind it’s pretty easy to know what needs to be piled and what needs to be pulled! 😆
Anything that can be staked definitely in the pile. 😁