BTC is good to accept in business because is a digital currency that's well know by the world.i prefer to accept it more than paper currency, because BTC is a currency that have value and do appreciate Everytime.You can't loose in BTC you only gain if BTC go down, you also Wait for the price to come to the main price or you leave it to continue moving.For the hackers once your account is well protect,hackers can't access your crypto currency.For government while they are shouting about crypto is because they don't know how to control it and they are not getting tax from them,if they are getting tax from them,they will not be attacking the users because they are gaining something from them.BTC is good to use for transaction.Leaving BTC because of fear from government or fear from losing money,I don't support it because even in paper currency,you can loose money,no were is safe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are right, even paper currency is not safe, digital currency is much safer than that
Thanks for the message
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You well com