The vast majority of people around the world who have a job, are paid with minimum wages according to the practices that are exercised in their own countries, which have their internal calculations so that the amounts to be paid (weekly, every 15 days or monthly) are defined according to basic needs, which are common to all individuals (at different scales). At least in theory, this is how things should work.
Generally, these salaries need to undergo annual readjustments for several reasons, but things are not always readjusted in a way that really has a very positive impact on people's lives. So, I believe that dissatisfaction when it comes to "minimum wage" is not a unique exclusivity of just one country or another because the bitter taste of receiving a minimum wage can certainly be global.
Unfortunately, here in Brazil, the readjustment of the minimum wage was not done in compliance with the basic recommendations that define the real increase. In other words, this means that the percentage increase over the current minimum wage was below what it should have been (which makes things even worse... because the salary range still has an extremely lagged amount as the final value) and that really is a big problem that seems to have no end.
In relation to the 2020 minimum wage, the increase for this year was only about 5%, which gives us R$1,100.00 (U$200,00). This is an extremely lagged value, and one that definitely defines the most basic needs of Brazilians (such as rent, electricity, water, gas and food) in a broader and fairer way. Literally, it is necessary to do "magic tricks" here to be able to live a decent life with this salary.
La gran mayoría de las personas alrededor del mundo que tienen un trabajo, son remuneradas con salarios mínimos de acuerdo a las prácticas que se ejercen en sus propios países, los cuales tienen sus cálculos internos para que los montos a pagar (semanalmente, cada 15 días o mensuales) se definen según las necesidades básicas, que son comunes a todos los individuos (a diferentes escalas). Al menos en teoría, así es como deberían funcionar las cosas.
Por lo general, estos salarios deben sufrir reajustes anuales por varias razones, pero las cosas no siempre se reajustan de una manera que realmente tenga un impacto muy positivo en la vida de las personas. Entonces, creo que la insatisfacción cuando se trata del "salario mínimo" no es una exclusividad única de un país u otro porque el sabor amargo de recibir un salario mínimo ciertamente puede ser global.
Lamentablemente, aquí en Brasil, el reajuste del salario mínimo no se hizo en cumplimiento de las recomendaciones básicas que definen el aumento real. En otras palabras, esto significa que el aumento porcentual sobre el salario mínimo actual estuvo por debajo de lo que debería haber sido (lo que empeora las cosas... porque el rango salarial aún tiene una cantidad extremadamente rezagada como valor final) y ese es realmente un gran problema que parece no tener fin.
En relación al salario mínimo de 2020, el aumento para este año fue solo del 5%, lo que nos da R$ 1.100,00 (U$200,00). Este es un valor extremadamente rezagado, y que definitivamente define las necesidades más básicas de los brasileños (como alquiler, electricidad, agua, gas y alimentos) de una manera más amplia y justa. Literalmente, es necesario hacer aquí "trucos de magia" para poder vivir una vida digna con este salario.
A grande maioria das pessoas espalhadas pelo mundo que tem um trabalho, são pagas com salários mínimos de acordo com as práticas que são exercidas em seus próprios países, que tem seus cálculos internos para que os valores a serem pagos (semanalmente, de 15 em 15 dias ou mensalmente) sejam definidos de acordo com as necessidades básicas, que são comum a todos os indivíduos (em escalas diferentes). Pelo menos em tese, é assim que as coisas deveriam funcionar.
Geralmente, esses salários precisam sofrer reajustes anuais por diversos motivos, mas nem sempre as coisas são reajustadas de uma maneira que realmente traga um impacto de grande positividade na vida das pessoas. Então, eu acredito que a insatisfação quando o assunto é "salário mínimo" não é uma exclusividade única de apenas um país ou outro porque o sabor amargo de receber um salário mínimo certamente pode ser algo global.
Infelizmente, aqui no Brasil, o reajuste do salário mínimo não foi feito atendendo as recomendações básicas que definem o aumento real. Em outras palavras, isso quer dizer que o aumento percentual em cima do salário mínimo atual foi abaixo do que deveria ter sido (o que torna as coisas ainda pior... porque a faixa salarial continua tendo como valor final, uma quantia extremamente defasado) e isso realmente é um grande problema que parece não ter fim.
Em relação ao salário mínimo de 2020, o aumento para este ano foi cerca de apenas 5%, o que nos dá R$1.100,00. Esse é um valor extremamente defasado, e que definitivamente as necessidades mais básicas dos brasileiros (como aluguel, eletricidade, água, gás e alimentação) de uma maneira mais ampla e mais justa. Literalmente, por aqui é preciso fazer "truques de mágicas" para conseguir viver de maneira decente com esse salário.
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Well here in my country (Venezuela), minimum wage (according to the dolar price of today) is 1.4$. Minimum wage is 2,400,000 bolivares, and a dollar equals to 1,610,378 bolivares. With that, you can buy 1kg of cornmeal, I think. Obviously, Maduro will increase the minimum wage as he usually does but we all know what happens when someone does that. It's impossible to live here earning that.
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This value is definitely very low, @albertoar17.
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Here the salary is paid monthly and the minimum salary is currently €665 ($808.04).
In my opinion this minimum wage is not enough for a single person to have his house and his things, as almost half of his salary or even more would be used to pay the rent.
That way, he wouldn't have much money for other things, because we have to take into account that he will still have water, electricity and gas bills as well as basic supermarket purchases.
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So... The situation is very similiar here, @albertocaeiro.
Rent is quite expensive too.
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in Greece the minimum wage is around 500-550 euros. honestly speaking with that kind of money it's hard to live by yourself if you pay rent and stuff. Even if you manage to do so then you can't do anything else, you can't manage to go out with friends. it will be extremely tough...
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So, basically this is not living... It is surviving.
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also vote leofinance for witnesses if you like! we need to help the out as much as we can
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Never worked on a minimum wage, but one thing I'm sure that my December blogging earnings exceed the minimum wage in my country.
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Enjoy it!
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I dislike minimum wage as a concept, just do UBI so nobody has to starve in the streets.
UBI would open up you doing work that is really bad paid, but you might really enjoy. Also your employer does not have your life in your hand.
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It's a very tricky situation live with such a bad salary.
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