I trust you, this my circle link : https://circles.garden/profile/0x2A741f3bfc7D199A4405cb4676A3Af72b7DBbafe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I trust you, this my circle link : https://circles.garden/profile/0x2A741f3bfc7D199A4405cb4676A3Af72b7DBbafe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
done ! =)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. But, how to I trust you in your profil? where I must click? I think there no "trust" menu or link to click? maybe you can help me to show it ? thanks
Have you figured this out?
Otherwise, to trust back:
That's it.
okay, I will try
thank you very much. How to we "trust" action to the friend's circles profile?
it takes awhile however you share ur profile link with ur friends and they will create then u have to trust them. also share here with me if you want me to trust as well cuz u need 3 to get validated
Why am I just circling around on my own profile, even though what I click on is yours? Is it possible to trust him to go through the phase of being trusted by 3 friends? With this scenario it means that it is difficult for me to trust friends when I don't have the trust level of three friends. Until now, there are only those of you who trust me