
That takes some talent. I dont think it be anything but frustrating for me. But we all have our own talents.

Believe me when I say that it was really frustrating in the beginning. But I eventually got a hang of it.

That's awesome! How long did it take?

Thank you✨
It took two days as I wasn't really consistent.

Its a good DIY artwork

Tank you very much ✨

You made those? lovely, you've got a talent I always admire!

oh thank you so much🤗

Lovely, do you sell them or you make it as a hobby?

I actually started crocheting in January this year so I want to give it a year before i think of selling. For now, it's just a hobby.

Okay, you are bound to get better at it the more you do it.

That is absolutely right.

Have fun with it and show us more photos

This is nice. And I like green.

So the picture went thru. Are you using mobile or PC?

I used mobile to upload it.

So It's either im doing something wrong or Safari is just being an as’h0le rn.

Could be . I'm using hive keychain tho.