
That's interesting information, I didn't know that until now

Glad I could be of help.

It helped a lot, I will share the information with my girlfriend

Alright then

Share it with as many people as you can.

The best of everything is obtained by moderation.



Hmm why am I not surprised? I've actually thought about it on my idle moment... Just like we have different body builds, what we take in should differ in quantity or size too

And also, you would feel it when you've taken more than your body requires

Yeah, you definitely will

Is this a fact?

Yes it is

That’s interesting will be cautious next time.

Alright then

The body always guides you on how much water you should take.

That's true

Yes, most people get it wrong and overdose. I drink only when I am thirsty.

Thats a good practice. Instead of overdosing

yes taking less or more water harms our bodies!