Yesterday's dump: What do we do now?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yesterday was a very scary day for me, and for everyone in crypto in general. It showed that having banks and billionaires in crypto is not a good idea and is not something to be happy about.

In a very eerily similar fashion to March, Bitcoin and its brethren dumped in large percentages towards the bottom. The least loss yesterday was 42%, and the most was over 99% in many alts.

This isn't the time to panic however. The great Warren Buffet once said to "buy when there's blood in the streets, regardless of if that blood is your own".

So that's what I did. I bought and bought and bought.

I'm not rich by ANY standards, but i was able to buy to the best of my capacity, taking out about 30% of my savings to buy. I was able to procure some coins at these prices:

ETH at $2532 (I bought $300 worth)
BTC at $32450 ( I also bought $300 worth)
BNB at $335. ( I bought $150 worth)
CAKE (This one was the one i was waiting for FOREVER) (I bought $250 worth at $14.50 and moved it to staking immediately since the yields dropped significantly when everyone took their money out)
SNX at $13 ( I bought $100 worth)

These were the coins i bought! I am now totally out of money to buy any remaining dips (if any).

I also want to note that I DIDN'T SELL A SINGLE LEO OR CUB. You'll see why in a few months' time. :)

What did you feel during yesterday's dump? Let me know down below!

Thanks for reading!

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