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RE: What Does It Mean To Be A Billion Dollar Network?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

All the rewards ... are funded by this inflation.

Hi Jen, the inflation decreases automatically every year. Can you explain what happens to the rewards pool once there is no more inflation? I don't get it. Cheers - Folker


Hi Folker,
My understanding is there will always be inflation and rewards. Once it hits 1% in 2033 it will stay at 1% for the following years. Assuming that by that time Hive price and total supply will be much higher, rewards will continue to be similar to today or better.

The table below shows the rate of inflation decrease, supply change and new supply added. I hope this can help.


stay at 1%

Thank you, that explains it. I was under the impression it would eventually go to zero.

These parameters can be changed by a hard fork with agreement of the voters. We are in charge and not committed to decisions made by the original builders.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for clearing that up. The changeability by vote is the only thing about Hive that bothers me a little, as it involves a level of trust. The political situation in Germany of recent months shows me how suicidally stupid voters can be...

I'm lucky though, I live on a fixed income of my own creation, which doesn't give me disposable play money for things like Hive :-( but lets me live reasonably comfortably w/o ever working again, and without depending on the possibly soon failing German state pension scheme.

Oh well, can't have everything...

There are undoubtedly big whales but the many votes of smaller holders are still necessary for consensus changes. The governance works as long as we keep the interests of everyone on Hive broadly aligned. We're in such better shape than we were when the Steemit stake was holding us hostage.

I understand that. The mass vote of the smaller stake holders can be more dangerous than the one of the whales, many of whom are involved in the technical aspects and understand it fully.

I know, 'cause I was one of those stupid ones! Back on the Steem, when the use of paid bot votes started to get frowned upon by the "powers that be" and whales started downvoting my paid posts, I was up in arms like you wouldn't believe! Out of sheer spite I almost left, powered down what I had made so far, and blew it on a vacation - to my own detriment, of course. A few folks with knowledge and patience talked me back down, and I'm still here...

Turns out, the whales were right, the trending page improved significantly and since then I came to my senses and have begun to build a slowly but steadily growing LOYAL and ORGANIC upvoter base. I'm a dolphin now, all from posting, with zero buy-in. Proof that the idea of Hive can work for everyone. There is a lot to be said for governance by experts who have put significant sums of their own money where their mouth is!

Anyway, yes, we're in much better shape, and luckily I'm not that stupid to ever argue with success. I'm a believer; no need to preach to the choir. Did I mention being here is more fun than a bucket full of monkeys? :-)

Exactly. I'm also almost all sweat equity. Most of my attempts at trading lose me money. Posting gains. I really need to do more especially updates on @v4vapp progress.

that does not include HBD, Can end in extremes IMO. Massive HBD creation and Hive deflation or extra inflation for Hive :) Depending on how the market will move and user rates on hive.

Interesting time.