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RE: Hive Scaling vs Bitcoin

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Those ... being forced to pay for bandwidth on a network in which they thought transactions were free.

Who the hell is running Hive in that future.. Stalin?

So that's your vision of Hive going 10x, 100x.

"The user experience becomes so costly that the fools that remain, exist like krill for us hungry sharks taxing the shit out of them for RCs"

You've essentially described ETH now. But then came along BSC. So what stops another chain coming in that fixes that Hive issue. That is if it even eventuates. You claim basic gaming will be the high point of Hive too. That's a low bar.

If Hive could just grab more attention. It could be the backbone of a thriving network where people are THE ABUNDANCE. Then... I'm sure the majority wouldn't be focused on money.. and would lovingly share their RC with each other, thus eliminating RC Sharks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta