he knows that no one's going to get rich if yet again only (chum change) people from within Hive are interested.lol @scaredycatguide face..
See, at this point kamikazi-eel MUST SELL THE LONG possibilities because he hasn't proven explosive growth with either WLEO or CUB.
At this point also, you really need this poly-corn-on-a-cob thing to succeed because IF NOT .. then you are sitting on multiple ventures that you didn't achieve much with. Which is a red flag to anyone researching your history. (Exactly who researches right..)
You also can't compare to SplinterLands.
They continue to develop a product that people are by now well aware of. You aren't a similar beast.
With your many attempts to SELL APY FANTASIES.. you actually make the learning and participation of your platform harder and harder for users since they need to constantly learn new shit... you are even punishing them when they realize that the new shiny thing is the only place paying, and the rest of the past high yield operations went stale. So you potentially lose users as they are forced to move their assets.
Anyway ...
I once though LEO had big potential but you guys got lost chasing percentages... and on the backs of your tiny (and shrinking) community it was a recipe for disaster.
IMO, Your mobile app needs to be be heavily improved in order to become superior and to then exist as THE FIRST APP that a crypto head loads.. so to then keep them in your ecosystem, you would be wise to make it a portal to their greater crypto world..
Be that DeFi, News, Networking, Feeds from outside, even a wallet that could hold or at least link to their distributed assets. You got to damn becomes a world of FINANCE to your users.. Not just by name and by dreams or aspirations.
All I see is essentially:
"Oh Hi, were doing blogging.. and also we're doing defi here, there and over there... give us your money because we believe in long 1000x.. It's gonna happen because "soon" is a word we use frequently around here in order to avoid actually talking honestly about how we can get there.. or even if we can get there.."