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RE: What's it worth?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Ten euros doesn't buy much these days and it isn't even enough for a coffee and a bun at the local café, as for those, it is around 12.90€ at the moment

I can buy a cup of cappuccino for around 250 Hungarian Forint (HUF) in the local tobacco shops in Szolnok, Hungary, and this is nowadays around €0.49 EUR, because €1 EUR is currently 406.09 Hungarian Forint (HUF).

And they serve a delicious cappuccino, often with cinnamon, cocoa powder and cream.

A smaller amount of sweets can be bought for the same amount.

So €12.90 EUR can buy a lot of things. Nowadays my monthly pension-like income (for my multiple disabilities) is a around €197 EUR per month.

I appreciate every cent/penny, and I try to manage my money as well as possible, but this is still very low for a living. Especially in the winter. The fire wood is very expensive nowadays. I am happy and grateful that the owner of the house gifted/gifting multiple bags of fire wood to heat the house.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


So €12.90 EUR can buy a lot of things.

Not in Finland. :D
A cup of coffee the other day was 6.50.... bloody insane.

The differences in europe are quite large when it comes to the prices of some things, yet I am constantly surprised by how little difference there are in consumer goods like electronics.

Hopefully you are doing well and staying warm. Hopefully it is a mild winter too.

Hopefully you are doing well and staying warm. Hopefully it is a mild winter too.

It is currently not too cold. Currently it is 1 °C. The next few nights will be around -2 °C and -7 °C. The coldest month in my country (in Hungary) is usually the February, when the temperature sometimes go below -20 °C. Rarely even below -30 °C.

It has already been about -15 here so far, but it will warm up a little this week. Though hopefully the snow stays for Christmas :)