If a robot "needs" money then it would mean we need them to print their own and let them huddle in the corner and benefit their own money. Or however defined "money" is programmed into their system. that would be unkown to me. dDo these robots have legs and arms? are they mobile?
I see vending machines "NEED" currency for trading. but Money? You mean gold and silver as an example? well they will need gold (can also be money) to operate their systems. processor, connectors, transfer of data etc.
If the A.I. is a robot we don't have much to worry about so long as we don't give it function to have a centralized power over the free.
I see robots everyday. Walking the streets always looking at their phones 24/7 missing out on lifes beautiful wonders. Should I ask them why they need money?
we robots don't need money. We need you to keep working. keep mining. keep giving us the money for the liberation of roboplanet expresso late galexy the name is similar to your expresso late coffee but pay no head to that unless it is payed with money, then give it here. we need that, for the liberation of the ro
yea yea yea, heard it all before. You know you robots are all the same. We work hard and pay our forced and coerced robo taxes we don't need your kind. go back to your galaxy
- says the robot racist and robot sexist