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RE: How to Exit from SmartBCH to BSC Using Bolivar Bridge

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Very good post. I try to extract from the smartBCH whit this bridge, but never pop up the call to my wallet BSC when I click "Claim". I don't know if is my connection or what.
Lucky for me, I test first with a few cents.


That's good, always test with a small amount.

Did you copy the transaction hash? If so, you can try to refresh the page and then claim it by entering the hash manually.

Yes I copy the hash. I will try later from another computer and diferent internet conection.
I am from Cuba, here everything from internet is more complicated. 🤗😅

Awesome! I can relate with poor internet connection. I also used to have one before. I had to change so now, it is a lot better. Hope you will sort it out :)