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RE: Monetary unification: Was it the best decision? (EN/ES)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

They did the unification at last 5 years later and in the worst moment. The political and economic desitions of the cuban totalitarist goverment are historically nefast.

It is real that the embargo of USA afect, but the main problem is that Cuba goverment does not pay his debts. For that reason even China want the payment in front and don't give Cuba much credit benefits.

The other problem that prevent us having a better view of the Cuban real economy is the lack of transparency and information of the Cuban Goverment about foreing investments and exportantions incomings.


Everything has become complicated. If Trump wins the next elections and tightens the nut more, we are going to eat stone.

I don't think Trump won, but if things don't change inside, no matter what happend with embargo we are screw anyway.

Imagine with actual situation goverment keep investing in build hotels (that will remain emptys) than invest in agriculture.

As I told you, everything is very complicated. Opinions we have of all types and colors. Right here at home we are very few and we all have a different opinion about what to buy, what to eat today, what we do with the money we have, etc. Imagine running an entire country. I just hope that things improve and that to finish off this year no hurricane comes. Cross your fingers.