Un grán saludo a todos los atletas de hive-swc, hoy les vengo a compartir un pequeño video de 30 tipos de flexiones.
Donde empezaran desde las mas fáciles y culminando con las más dificiles, mi hermanita de 11 años le tocó grabarme hoy, y tuve que grabarlas en casa ya que estaba pintando el apartamento donde vivo😁, y aproché ďe hacer este video, el espacio está un poco desastrozo pero eso no fué impedimento para grabar
A big greeting to all the hive-swc athletes, today I come to share a small video of 30 types of push-ups.
Where they started from the easiest and culminating with the most difficult, my 11-year-old little sister had to record me today, and I had to record them at home since I was painting the apartment where I live😁, and I aprochéee to make this video, the space is a little messed up but that was no impediment to record
Creditos: | Credits: |
Camara:andrea | Camera:andrea |
Fotos:yeye-swc | Photos:yeye-swc |
Edición:yeye-swc | Edition:yeye-swc |
Producción:yeye-swc | Production:yeye-swc |
Bueno amigos eso ha sido todo por hoy, espero les haya gustado y nos vemos en el próximo video💪🏼
Well friends that's all for today, I hope you liked it and see you in the next video💪
▶️ 3Speak