There's always this bit of corruption and injustice buried in every human.
The terms "corruption" and "injustice" apply to actions.
So, I would say that there is a desire for power in every person. Corruption and injustice occur when people follow their desire for power and act in negative ways.
A person becomes corrupt when he systematically acts in injust and corrupt ways.
We tend to see corruption in the ruling class as their actions tend to have the worst effect on society.
Corrupt rulers often use the desires of people to gain power.
Socialist candidates feed of the wealth envy of the masses. The socialist candidate promises to take money from the wealthy and redistribute it to the people in exchange for political power. The socialist is feeding on the wealth envy of the people.
Politicians have a knack for exploit the desires of the people to gain power. Once in power, the leaders engage in corrupt activities and tend to keep most of the proceeds of the actions for themselves.
It is an extremly complex relation. Our desires lead to currption. Our individual desires can lead to individual corruption or they can lead to our supporting corrupt leaders; however, human desires are not, in and of themselves, corrupt. That corruption appears when one acts.
People with a strong will can overcome the impulse to act on desires.
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