Wealth isn't for everyone...

A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a close friend who's struggling to get into a university. She's at this point in her life where all she can do is wait for a new day and keep going. She doesn't feel like she's developing or growing, she's just living.
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I asked her what her plan for her life would be if she couldn't get into a university and she told me all the ideas she had to learn a new skill and grow a personal business of her own and I was impressed.

I hate to sound like an old snub but the kids getting into universities these days are hardly interested in what they'll be learning at school, especially the ones where I'm from.

Many of them have been their mates gain wealth from having tech skills or for some of them, fraud, and so they know that getting a university degree isn't the only means to wealth.

When I was getting into the university, it was seen as my only means of wealth. Everyone in my department believed that gaining that degree would put us among the privileged few who were destined for greatness but when we graduated our eyes became clear.

The kids today no longer believe that. For most of them, like my friend, it's just a 4-year sacrifice to get a piece of paper that may or may not open doors for them, for others it's just a means of freedom from their parents.

No one sees university education as important anymore and we can't blame them because the country doesn't favour the educated, it favours the resilient. The poor remain poor while the rich get richer.

My friend believes a lot of people should hear what I have to say because they may not know this already but I believe many people already know all this.

I learnt this lesson the hard way. I got out of school believing that the world was my oyster but just a few months after graduating, I knew my degree wasn't worth much since then I've tried to find ways to stay relevant in my little way and not be a liability.

There's no right way of getting through life because, in the end, there's simply death. So why not just live happily and just keep moving?

Thanks for reading

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Two life truths
1.) Life happens to us
2.) Life happens for us

Some people choose #1 and always have that feeling that something is missing. Others choose #2 and seem to have a better adventure.

We are only here for a short time. Every day that passes is a day we cannot get back. What truths we choose to believe makes a difference.

Wealth is relative to the context it is put in.... ie. Some people are so poor, all they have is money. Nothing wrong with money, however having money is not the true measure of anything important.

I know some wealthy people. They don't think of money the same way "we" do. They just expect to have it. The same way we think about air to breathe. To them its everywhere, all around them at all times. This can be described as an Abundant mindset, as opposed to a Scarcity mindset.

When life happens for us, our beliefs will manifest.
when life happens to us, our beliefs will manifest

the choice is ours

It is the reason is important to open your mind to other opportunities and think outside of the box.

The best is not to depend on our certificate because our country cannot be relied on to give you a job when you graduate. Being wealthy isn´t only about your degree anymore but connection and if you are lucky and being resilient.

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