SR. Ita a Very interesting topic and you also very nicely highlighted the disadvantages of WFH working from home but I think you should also highlight the advantages or benefits of WFH, may be you published a new post in coming days about benefits of WHF
I read a comment of yours under this post I feel you personally think WFH is only have disadvantages that's not true, you know better than me there are some advantages and benefits of WHF, another very important thing is so many people are working from home not by choice but they are doing this because they don't have another option, there is also a huge difference between working from home as an employee of a company or just working as self employed to make money from online business, like you and me writing content or publishing it on hive that also a form of WFH
There is a fundamental difference between working for yourself and being employed, and it comes down to responsibility. When self-employed, all responsibilities for working conditions are down to you - this is not the case when employed.
I think you hit the nail on the head right here. For the average person, quality of work suffers tremendously when it's done from a location where there's less physical monitoring than in a workplace locati0n. I've experienced this with customer service representatives... and you can tell very rapidly when one is working from home. Delays, poor sound quality, background noise. It takes twice as long to get the same outcome as you would get if they were in a workplace location.
Another concern is the retention of customer data on employees' personal devices. As someone who understand the importance of privacy, I don't want my data to be stored on some stranger's personal device! I never gave that type of permission to the company, yet with the rapid WFH changes that took place, we didn't even have the opportunity, as customers, to opt in or opt out of this.
While the superficial benefits of WFH are clear, the underlying downsides just carry on revealing themselves over time.
The privacy is an interesting thing in regards to this and there is very little oversight in most companies in how to deal with it. The company I ,work for doesn't have this issue, but there are still some issues.