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RE: Splinterlands - Card Price Evolution Graph is a must on the available markets

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This certainly would make a great tool to include into Peakmonsters.

I've been wondering about the rentals though. The rental market has been so turbulent recently. It's become a bit crazy.

Mid season rentals are nearly nothing and end of season rentals are through the roof!

I feel as though there should be a medium middle ground. Not something like smack in the middle between nothing and infinity, but more of a community acceptable level that gives renters a decent chance at profit and owners a decent steady income.

Do you think a rental chart might help in that regard?


I think so. As well maybe the season rewards could be calculated as CP average which will mean rentals to be performed around the entire season, thus the graph would not have too many waves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would not mind doing a deal with someone to rent my cards out at a more flat rate. No spike at the end of season, so super dip in the middle.

Just a CP/DEC ratio that means both parties can win.