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RE: A Guide on How to Use Diesel Pools

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Thank you so much for this excellent breakdown of how liquidity pool work. I've been contemplating about trying out the LP of late, mostly after one of your post. But I needed more info about how things work on those two DEX.

So when you join any pool, for how long do you remain in the pool. Or each pool have specific condition as to how long you remain? For example there's a Polygon chain powered DeFi, and 1 month is the time limit, if you leave the pool before 1 month, then there's going to be penalty.


Rules change from protocol to protocol and mainly from platform to platform.

That's why I focused exclusively on diesel pools in this post.

What I can tell you is that the decision is made when you know what you are dealing with, the details of the protocol and platform, and the products and services offered. Personally, that's why I haven't ventured to many defi platforms. Because rules change from one to another, and I simply can't keep up.