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RE: How strong is the influence of Government Regulations on Crypto?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello @hivewatchers

Thank you for your attention to me.
My post last week, the following link has received comments of potential plagiarism from you.

In the following, I can explain the chronology of the post that:

  1. I have attended a cryptocurrency seminar in my city on May 29, 2022.

  2. At the seminar, resource persons from the local Trade Office delivered material on the government's involvement in regulating cryptocurrencies.

  3. I made a note of the points conveyed by the resource person and posted it on my account according to the link above.

After I read the link in your comment, I think that there are similarities with what has been conveyed by the resource person at the seminar I attended.

I am committed, that if you judge this to be plagiarism, then I am ready to accept the risk of my negligence.

I will take a lesson from it. "That if you hear and record what a resource person says in a seminar, then you must also have the courage to ask the source of the reference".