That is a bold move for sure and investing in the future, you will win or learn.
For me as the owner of a digital marketing company, I am very big on getting a domain name that will properly represent your brand. That being the case, I know that people generally don't type the url in the address bar anymore and it is Search Engine Optimization that makes any URL have value. If you are in the market to squat on these sell these domains until someone decides to buy them, that can be hit or miss.
I have helped some folks broker the purchase of domains when the price is reasonable but most of the time, a slight variation of the syntax is good enough and can get you one that is available.
Neat to see innovative and progressive crypto business people with some capital and an eye still on the future!
Thanks for the valuable input. I am a rookie here, but it is always nice to learn new things.
Yah man you win or you learn.
If you are not overextending yourself on the investment and are diversified, I say go for it and have a strategy for your ultimate outcome and make that happen.
Being progressive and ahead of the curve feels like free falling til you start to fly!
zekepickleman: Being progressive and ahead of the curve feels like free falling til you start to fly!
So wise. Should be learnt from kindergarten!