Not knowing too much other than casually following the headlines over the last couple years, a dictator removing his competition is a scary prospect. I also feel El Salvador (with its almost non-existent currency and huge economic strife/social upheaval) green lighting crypto is about as globally influential as the African prince looking to send me money.
Still just another brick in the wall and uptick in the volume of the crypto conversation towards early majority adoption.
As opposed to removing the competition by paying for propaganda and data manipulation?
I think it's a mistake to think that anyone is going about this any better.
Honestly that is the exact environment that crypto was meant to thrive in.
Just have to wait and see.
I believe there is no such thing as a benevolent despot anymore and have yet to see centralization of power result in anything good for the people or the planet. There is always hop I suppose!
The crypto move is probably more of a corporate play for the government rather than an empowerment of the little people but adoption is great no matter how you slice it.
True to my name I don't think that purging 'opposition' is a bad thing. Power should be focused. It's more a question of which direction the country is focusing.
Democracy isn't the best system just because we happened to be born in what seems to be the zenith of its popularity. Turns out history hasn't ended.