Don't Curse Nigerians!

in LeoFinance2 years ago


On this day in which Nigerians are going to decide their leadership path for the next four years or even more, I feel it is a good thing to write on this topic Don't Curse Nigerians.

Nigeria is my country and I've lived and grown here all my life. It is not the best place, to live in, neither is it the worse place to live in, but it is just what it is - Nigeria.

Being a Nigerian

One thing about being a Nigerian is all about the experience. As a Nigerian, survival is the ultimate goal. If you meet 100 Nigerians, 99 of them are thinking about the next opportunity, or the next path to their survival.

It is a not an easy road being a Nigerian, your life is always on the line, your mental health always compromised, and the state of your wellbeing is always debatable. Being an average Nigerian (that's being part of the 90 of 100 Nigerians) is for me one of the toughest in life to deal with. I can't go about crying about being a Nigerian, but trust me it is not easy, and just don't try to compare it with yourself or with other places on earth. Nigerian's are not just dealing with the outcome of an action, it is a cumulative impact, a systemic failure, and an inherent environmental and social issue.

However, it is also fun sometimes. You know, one good thing about the average Nigerian is they sure know how to turn lemons into lemonades. We hardly wallow in self-pity, and just find fun from every moment. In fact, that's what most Nigerians in diaspora misses out on the most. It is a lifestyle, a social condition, and a culture you can't find anywhere else, and among any other peoples.

Talking about fun in Nigeria, Nigerians have turned it into a full-fledged industry that is more functional that even the Nigerian public sectors. Our entertainment industry is now global, with many of our artistes winning world class awards such as the Grammy's and more. We have a countless number of comedians creating humour online, and one good thing about Nigeria's humour, what is funny in Nigeria, is funny globally (but what's funny in China cannot be funny in Nigeria, no naw! Not even US or Canada).

The whole long and short is that Nigerians are funny and Nigeria is just funny place to live in (when you try to ignore the events surrounding us).

Cursing Nigerians? Who Is?

In theory, no one is cursing Nigerians. However, Nigeria, the land of my birth, has been a subject of ridicule and criticism in recent times. It breaks my heart to see people from other countries cursing Nigerians for one reason or another. It is time to put an end to this unbecoming behavior.

This is more common in online communities where people just feel insecure and challenged in the presence of Nigerians (unfortunately, Hive is not spared by this disease). The truth is that for the most part, we can't really blame people or judge people for acting the way they do, it is usually a culmination of experiences, stories heard, and media image that people build their interpretation of a person or group on. It is a thing of stereotyping, and psychologically, it is an easy road to go for most persons, as fact checking and letting time answer questions seems like a tough road for most humans.

But I must remind everyone that Nigerians remain a resilient people. Despite the numerous challenges we face daily, we have remained hopeful and optimistic. We have a vibrant culture that celebrates diversity and promotes unity. Nigerians are known for their warmth and hospitality, and we welcome visitors from all over the world with open arms.

However, like in every society, there are bad eggs, and with most Nigerians still struggling with the survival mentality, or better said, survival syndrome, many at times, they are prone to choosing an ammoral course over a more moral part.

Still, it may interest you to know that these few ammoral Nigerians are so few and their numbers are quite insignificant making only about 1/1000 of the population. Still, it is disheartening to see how some people choose to focus only on the negative aspects of our society. We have our fair share of problems, but so does every other country. Instead of cursing Nigerians, we need to work together to find solutions to these challenges.

It is not fair to judge an entire nation based on the actions of a few. Nigerians are not all fraudsters, scammers, or criminals. We have doctors, engineers, lawyers, artists, and entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact in their communities and beyond. We have athletes who have represented Nigeria with pride and brought glory to our nation. And all these, we share in common with other nations around the world ("by all these", I mean both the positives and the negatives).

In a nation of over 200 million people, and it is unfair to paint us all with the same brush. We are not all corrupt, lazy, or dishonest. We are hardworking, honest, and determined people who are striving to make our country a better place. Nigeria has a rich history and a bright future. We have made significant progress in various sectors, including technology, agriculture, and entertainment. We are a nation on the rise, and we deserve to be respected and appreciated for our contributions to the global community,

if you can't do that to the people of Nigeria as a group, do that to us as individuals.

The Bottomline

We love and respect everyone one regardless of where they are from (at least I do) and urge everyone to do the same. Living in a seemingly disadvantaged country like Nigeria makes it easy for Nigerians to charge every action of people against them to cursing, because at this point in time and history, we are a very sensitive group of people.

I urge everyone to stop cursing Nigerians. We are a proud nation with a lot to offer the world. Instead of focusing on our shortcomings, support any Nigerian you meet, show them love and respect, and they will give you their best.

Let us build bridges of understanding and respect, and not walls of hate and division. Together, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations (so we hope).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


One thing I love about Nigerians is their enthusiasm in whatever they find themselves into. even though I'm in Ghana, I joined a Nigerians programmers community and it's the only programmers community that I am part of. I always consult members in that community for ideas and they're always ready to help. My most recent project was through the assistance of two Nigerian friends.

Infact today is a very crucial day and I hope and pray the right candidate wins. I have been following the Nigerian politics closely and I know who the youth like, we all pray and hope for that right person to take the lead

These are very trying times in Nigeria. The country is currently on the edge and any slight provocation can mean a lot of losses and harm. But we are optimistic and positive, at least Nigerians have learnt this, even though it's not by choice though!

Thanks abdul for reaching out!
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