
In crypto?

Yes. I dream is to increase the price of $LEO and $HIVE

Price is not value. So you only care about price?

What is the value? How we increase value of coin? or you think value of project is important and value of coin is not important?

Coin doesnt have has a price. It is traded freely.

Value comes from building something. The price of a stock is not the value of the company.

or you think value of project is important and value of coin is not important?

What does the price of a coin reflect? Nothing. It is a market casino. What about pumps and dumps. When the coin goes up, does that mean more value was created?


You are right. But I think public care about price. If want to attract public to increase number of users. People create youtube channels to earn money. People make tiktok videos to earn money. Greed is everywhere

Do people who use Amazon care about price of the stock? Do the shoppers at Walmart care about the stock price? Does someone buy a car because the price of stock or the market is up?