Agree that it makes no sense to applaud government force to use bitcoin. It seems antithetical to the original creator's wishes. I think Peter Todd fell victim to gov agendas, so the promote him as Satoshi in order to justify RBF, small blocks and the coming tail emission needed to keep miners happy.
Their real reason for keeping block sizes small no longer exists. They said it was to make sure mining stays decentralized so users could mine on their laptops. Those days are long gone. You need to be in a centralized mining pool now to get any part of the coinbase award.
So it looks like they bribed the devs at Blockstream, then had the big money support what Saylor calls "digital property" (like real estate) so that "number go up" takes the place of p2p. These are the kinds of actions that parasites do. For that reason I don't believe that bitcoin was a deep state operation. It's true they were involved in cryptography in the 1970's up to 2009, but generally innovation comes from the outside.
It also makes no sense that the deep state would screw with the one thing that makes them invincible, fiat notes. Kill that an accountability comes back making black budgets more difficult to create. That whole situation I think is about the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Supposedly antigravity was mastered in Oct 1954 (according to Dr. Steven Greer) and since then, break away civilizations are on Antarctica and the Moon.
We're in interesting times, especially since 2020, nothing is the same as I had believed as I did in 1970. We humans aren't at the top of the food chain.
But maybe in the end, bitcoin still plays a part in the breakup of the dollar. What we really need is a private (like Monero, ARRR, etc) stable coin. Stability would kick out the speculators. It hasn't been invented yet. Dero came close to setting up the conditions for this to occur, but it has a de-anonymization bug disclosed several months ago that has not been fixed.
That is my take on things. There is still a chance but it is outside Bitcoin. We will see what gets developed that pushes the centralized powers aside.
The question is of benevolence and who is steering the ship. Do they have best wishes for people?
We know the elites do not.