The consumption tax is one step removed to the carbon tax which is based on consumption. It seems the WEF agenda is still in play.
After 1776 until the US civil war, there was no tax. The republic fractured due to the release of the slaves who under the 13th amendment, given freedom, but who were still in an insuperable bar as to citizenship. This is where the 14th amendment came in to create what we now know as "US citizen".
The 14th amendment was not legally ratified according to the 90th congress (congressional record of 1967):
The result was that we now have "state citizen" with constitutional rights and "federal citizen" (aka US citizen), with civil rights (privileges and immunities). By 1871, the organic act killed the republic by turning everything into "equity" in law. In it, every single dejure state, county, township, etc was given a similar name as a corporation. California republic became "State of California", the city of LA became "City of Los Angeles". Then their locations were moved 4 USC 71, 4 USC 72 to the District of Colombia.
The corporation known as "United States" (defined in 28 USC 3002 15(A)) can be seen to have been relocated in UCC 9-307(h) to the District of Colombia.
So most of you were never even in the United States and got tricked into contracting with a corporate entity which is completely foreign to the united states for America. Those tax dollars don't go where you think, but to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) bank which placed all US citizens as sureties on the debt in the emergency banking act of 1933. It is fraud (part of owning nothing and being happy I guess). They violated two precepts of contract law (lack of transparency and lack of consideration) and violated your rights as free men and women "of the union" in the words of the honorable justice Miller (Slaughter house cases).
Problem is you have to rebut the presumption (federal rule of evidence 301) that you are a US citizen. It's not "innocent until proven guilty" in a maritime court. It's the opposite "guilty until proven innocent" because rule 301 says they're allow to throw presumption bombs against you and you have to refute it in their court system.