$BTC has done it again....
It surpassed its all time high and is now above 70k right now, congrats to all #Bitcoin Holders, we are having good gains and our portfolios are increasing in value.
I was already saying today would be a great day for everyone.
No limits.
The historical high has already been broken, now the increase in value will continue, this is a great test for those who do not believe in the power of cryptocurrencies.
Thanks for commenting my friend, I hope you have a great day.
yippy next is 100k US dollars
And with the Halving I might make a lot more than 100k.
This is crazy, imagine what the value of BTC will be like in about 6 years.
I makes people to sit on the seat...everyone is alive.
In that you are right my friend, everyone is watching the market to take advantage of the moment.
Of the moment.??? ..or may caught up with more expectation ....lol....everyone wants more.
We all want more, even I am looking forward to much more hahahaha.