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RE: The Non-Mainstream Future of Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

thx, that's how social media should work, function, you meet with unknown people, start some conversation and if you find some common ground you take a bit attention. Not like how it works nowadays, provide everything about your life immediately, basically to everybody, putting behind all the norms, how human connections work in real life...

I just wanna try out first the basics here, later on you will definitely find some interesting posts what about not even the "conspiracy nuts" talk, and meantime it effects almost everybody... like the next gen surveillance technology... that's just insane - and i am sure i don't even know half of that -, and everybody still speak about the "spying" phones, illegal personal data collections etc. when it's proven a decade ago, and of course, nothing happened to stop or at least reduce it.

Anyway, thanks for that pizza thing, honestly have no idea about it, looks like it needs discord, what i consider part of big tech, long years ago, when i've tried to sign up, the first thing was: provide all my personal infos, phone number etc. if it is still like that, i am not going to use it... I don't even have a phone... :)

all the best!