Replacing Transmission filter and gasket

in Planetauto2 months ago

Good day all readers and bloggers in this community and platform, including tagged accounts, I personally would love to bring to your notice today some important diagnosis and corrective maintenance techniques which would help sustain the lifecycle of your automobile. Many sincerely love to buy beautiful cars for their beauty and this is the main aim why the design engineers are employed by the automobile companies.

Cars are beautiful and this cannot be avoided, but the beauty of a car is truly appreciated when the powerhouse which is the engine and all relevant components are in good shape. Personally, I prefer a cc couple vehicle why because the dynamics of the built design makes me appreciate aerodynamics, I wouldn't love to divulge into that now because it is a relevant topic and broad on eno aerospace.

I love talking about the engines, transmission system, supplemental restraint systems, the anti-locking braking system, the cooling system but today I would love to give you all different vibe for the weekend.

The automatic transmission fluid is meant to be replaced after driving for a particular period of time, to replace this, you need to know that there is a procedure which is attached with it. I would personally recommend this series of procedural actions.

  1. You should raise the vehicle to a very good working height from which you can see the gearbox and the transfer case. While raising the vehicle, let it be safely positioned on the lift.

  2. Get your drain pan ( large diameter ) from your tools boxnd try to position it directly under your transmission pan, try to loosen all the pan bolts gently but you would have to leave 3 bolts at one end so that the fluid can drain out.

  3. To loosen the remaining bolts,try to support the transmission pan with your hand, then very carefully you empty out the remaining oil in the transmission pan. You empty out tg EC remaining oil in the drain pan.

  4. After removing the drain pan, inspect the residue that is left in the transmission pan for any transmission problems, gently and carefully remove the old pan gasket and wipe the pan clean with a dirt free rag.

  5. Now I don't know if all of you know that there is a filter in the transmission system which takes hold of any dirt particles in the transmission fluid before it begins working operations. At this point, I take out the filter by unbolting it. Then i have to compare the gasket and filter that I just removed with the new ones that I just got to replace them to check for any disparity.

  6. Now I install the new filter and gasket after confirmation that it is the same as what was written in the replacement pack.

I entreat you all to take very good care of your cars to avoid unnecessary breakdown time.. If you think this is an original content and it worth appreciating then give it your 100% upvote. See you soon.