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RE: [ESP-ENG] El Auto de mis Sueños: Toyota Tundra | The Car of my Dreams: Toyota Tundra

in Planetauto4 years ago

Proper beasts Toyota Pickups, bullet proof, strong and capable of pretty much anything, here's to getting your Tundra, thank you @enrrique30 - we look forward to seeing your future posts


Thank you planetauto for this contest
The car of my dreams, it is wonderful to express your dreams through this medium, and realize that you are not the only one who loves this truck greetings and blessings.

Gracias planetauto por este concurso
El Auto de mis Sueños, es maravilloso poder Expresar tus sueños por este medio, y darte cuenta que no eres el único que le encantan esta camionetas saludos y Bendiciones