I've heard that we all derive from stardust... I'm not convinced of the validity of such claim, yet I have pondered such possibility.
If this is true, I wonder what star 'I' was birthed from...?!?!?!? I wonder if we all are dust creatures from the same star, or different ones.

Seems more likely we're from different stars, because of the vast differences within our genetic make-up, personalities, thought process etc... Afterall... not everyone is as pretty and near perfect in every way as I am...
A few people are nearly perfect, like me. I've met some during my present time on this planet. I remember a couple near perfect humans from my past life on Earth as well. In every case... none of them stuck around long enough to keep a smile on my face.
Of course, I was always grateful for the time they shared with me. Looking back... remembering them... the smile they gifted me with, pops back onto my face; regardless of the deepness of a frown beforehand.
It's a wonderful thing.
Since I've been strolling along the pathways of Hive, I suspect having stumbled upon a few other near perfect stardust specimens lurking about. Sometimes they message me, in some way. Sometimes, they don't.

Speaking of sometimes... sometimes I start writing with no particular thought in mind, and stuff like this gets tapped out upon keys... Sometimes, not.
THIStime... it's time to say goodbye; but, just for now. I'll probably show up again down the road, with not much to say...
Till then, my friends... have a happy life in anyway you can.
April 6, 2022Images:
1 - https://pixabay.com/illustrations/mother-earth-human-family-stardust-7043378/
2 - https://pixabay.com/photos/girl-child-violin-make-music-music-2701075/
Here is more dust in the wind.
'It's just a ride.'
Bill Hicks
Ahhhhhhhh.... Bill Hicks... I know/knew of that gentleman...
He was ahead of the game, for sure.
Poor guy, it's hard knowing that you are right and everybody else is crazy.
Yes indeed, keep shining xxxx
Thank you Ms Lady...I'm thinking if I was born of stardust then it must have come from a brown dwarf star, they are kind of stars, yet kind of not. They are not much bigger than Jupiter and are not very important in the over-all scheme of things.
Gary Coleman was a brown dwarf star...😏
Lol.😂😂😂 i dont even know how to respond to this.
Just respond by throwing money into my wallet...!!!🧐
Lol. What's this, a stick up?
Haha... No, not a "stick up" merely a highly worthwhile suggestion to help you grow your good Karma throughout the vast Universe...😏
Whatcha Talkin Bout Willis? That was a funny show for it's time.
Of course that we are dust which came from different stars. Very different stars indeed. Better that you never forget it. :D
Exactly! that's why I said what I said before. Because perfection and beauty will always is gonna depend on how rebellious and heretical you have been before, and thus, half guess what star you really come from.
I've been very rebellious in the past, my friend... but, only a little heretical so, I guess a good 'Star-Birth' Genealogist can use this information to help trace my roots...??? THANKS...!!!😎
Ah! you see? That explain a lot about your prettiness and near perfect being. :D
Well, I mean heresy in the best sense of the word. Something like saying that we have always been agnostic about the real number of stars that they had told us that existed in the sky. Hahahaha
Of course mate. As long as that Genealogist has also been somehow rebellious, heretical and irreverent, he will have no problem finding your origin and true roots in the interstellar space.
You are welcome my Ex-E.T.!! :)
The dust is only half the thing ,.. we come from the light to ,... where black is just a darker shade of white and white just a lighter shade of black .
Soon the universe will know ,.. some of us became aware and conscious about who we are .
Jimi's message probably just reached the nearest advanced alien civilization ,..
Peace to all our brothers and sisters out there ,.. shine on !
You ARE among the BEST @small1axe... Thanks for stopping by with gifts...😎
That will feed your inner gun nut.
Have a happy life indeed. 😁😁