Have you ever had such a thought as in the title of this post, then DIDN'T for one reason or another...?!?!?!?
THAT's how my mind has been acting for quite a while these days. I don't know why... Maybe it's because I've been more in a daze than usual? Maybe not, but probably so...
I don't know...
ANYWAYzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Here's some cute photos for you to take a gander at. It's a couple of new feral kittens that showed up at my house recently, that I've been helping out and trying to tame and train, so that I can find homes for them.

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago, in between traveling to visit sick family and friends in another State... Mostly a sister who is now under Hospice care. She's home now (by choice) and we have a visiting nurse to help out with her care.

Weird stuff has happened since I took these photos...
Mama has disappeared; I haven't seen her for two or three weeks now. Their daddy showed up with a limp and stayed in my back room for a few days to sleep and heal.
About the fourth day Speedy spent some time away, but returned looking like he was not feeling well at all... No limp, but walking real slow and seemingly weak.
He curled up on some cushions with the old man 'Mr. Reddy' who's been quietly spending his end days in my house.

I've been helping the old guy out for about twelve years now. He's feral and had a rough life getting injured multiple times in fights with other creatures. I'm amazed he's lasted this long. I saw him roaming around the neighborhood for about two years before he ever accepted some help from me.
He's gone now, though...as of a few days ago...
I knew it was close. He'd been losing weight quickly and even let me pet him for the first time, as he lay resting.
After bathing his body in the tub, he was laid to rest near some of his old friends in my growing backyard pet cemetery.
Goodbye Mr. Reddy... I'll miss you... Rest well my friend...

Good to see you here again and that you are still caring for the cats and your family.
Thank you. It's always nice to hear from you.😎
That little black cat appeared just in time for Halloween. Looks a lot like Gem when she was a kitten.
I had wondered how your sister was doing. I think the best you can do at this point is to make sure she is comfortable and make sure she is given plenty of morphine.
Sad to see Mr. Reddy go. You’ve been talking about him for years now.
Gem often, while interacting with Baby Blacky. She lets me hold her now and purrs in my arms😎 I have more photos on my phone, but couldn't upload them to desktop for some reason... Might be a memory problem.Hi Mr. @ninjamike... I've thought of you and
Yes; we have morphine on hand to help with sister's discomfort. She has an adult son living with her who works from home, so she's well attended to.
I'm amazed that Mr. Reddy lived so many years as a feral (14+ ?) A little bit of help from me must have helped. Blacky had a long life too.
Good to hear from you Mr. Ninja.
Sorry to hear about your sister, must be a tough time. It has been a pretty tough year for a lot of people, but life still goes on.
I'm sure Mr. Reddy will find lots of friends in his new life.
Yes @bashadow... life goes on for those of us still wandering around this side of consciousness...😎
Mr. Reddy was probably greeted by a host of other friends who reached the other side before him.
Are you feeling at least, a little better these days?
Yeah doing a bit better, one more operation on Tuesday though to hopefully take care of a problem from the other operation. We had a pretty good snow fall a couple days ago, and it was hard to clear the snow, but I got it done. Took an hour to recover, but that is life when we are not doing great.
Sorry to hear you're still hurting my friend. I'll summon some healing Angels your way...
Good to see you back! Sorry about your sister and Mr. Reddy, I hope Speedy has recovered. I have been making progress with a very elusive tom who's been hanging around all year. Now he eats when I bring him food and consents to some stroking
Speedy disappeared a few days ago, but fortunately just showed up again a few hours ago to nibble on food. He's walking better, though has lost a lot of weight. I let him further beyond my back room after he followed me into the hall. He's curled up under a table in the corridor now - sleeping😎 I'll leave him be to rest.
It was nice hearing from you @nikv...
Three months ago the neighbors needed buried for abusing their dog and now this. What's it take to get a gender left or straight right joke around here?
I know... I know... I've been a 'drag' lately Mr. @dandays... must be a hormonal thing since having turned left outta the closet...?!?!?!? Life can be so confusing at times.
Hope you and Pura are well and happy these days😎 Are you planning to visit Ed while in French-land? Or did he skip to Spain again?!?!?!
P,S. - I DO have some nice DOGGY tales to post about, if I can get those photos to upload from my phone...!!! My granddaughter finally got her long desired puppy as a surprise birthday gift. Instead of a little Pug... it turned out to be a huge, nine month old (rescued) Pitbull that already weighs about sixty pounds...?!?!?!?
It tried to eat me when I visited last week... She loves me now though, a few Dog Biscuits and fingers later...
DanDays loves a good rescue story like that dog's gonna love your granddaughter. I bet they sleep in the same bed and everything. All that pit needed was a good home. Rub'er ears for me.
We are doing well sir, appreciate your kindness. I haven't had much time for anything other than an occasional comment lately as we've been even more mobile than usual but the dust is settling nicely.
Negative crossing paths with Ed. It was talked about, we reached and tried but one thing led to another and our paths just wouldn't align. Hashtag NextTime.
I'll tell Santa you want fluorescent lights in your closet.
Well Mr. Angryman, I'm delighted to have come back just in time to witness your return, albeit with news so sad. We get so attached to our animal friends and sometimes even to our families.
Pet Cemetery is a little too Stephen King for me. Would you consider perhaps Moggy Mortuary, Katty Crypt, or the very catchy tabby tomb?
Oh my dear weirdy... It's so nice to see you again in print...😎 Quite a synchronicity that you posted after three years gone, and 'I' three months...???
Uh Oh... 33...!!! Isn't that a Masonic indicator? What can this possibly mean...!?!?!?!?
PET CEMETERY; yes, quite Steven King. I must be a bit more cautious with choosing my word strings in the future😏
This guy knows his rituals!!!
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Thank you!Dear @angryman, sorry to jump in a bit off-topic.May I ask you to review and support the new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/240) so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
No time for stupid jokes, shut up Ed 😬🤐
Sorry to hear for Mr Reddy, travel safe old friend!
Good on you for visiting your family, I know how much you enjoy the hermit life & eating cat food (damnit Ed, no joke we said).
It made me think, if a hungry group of cats, could turn on a human...It can only mean one thing, it's some good weed, that I am smoking...Good chat!
Chat means Cat in French...
How do you say PUSSY...?!?!?!?😏
VOLVO ,. I think ,. but ain't sure , as i ain't French .
greetings from the lost and wondering soul .
Greetings, old friend. Hope your "lost, wandering soul" is healthy and happy...😎
When a rainbow burst from your Volvo ,..

Life must be good .
Most assuredly...😏
knowing he was near the end - after having stayed away for a whole year... (I thought he was already dead!?!?)Thanks for the condolences @edprivat. Mr. Reddy paid me the honor of spending his last few months with me - I suspect
I took it as a sign of love from him, showing me a big thank you for having helped him out many times over the past ten-plus years😻
Nice to hear from you.
Hello @angryman glad to find a fellow cat helper. They bring much joy to my life which brings sorrow when they leave, Luck and joy with your 2 new kittens.
stray, abandoned or feral variety, having lost my last feline family member last year - she was one of three.Thanks for the note @manorvillemike... All of my most recent feline friends are of the
I really should find a new home for those two ex-feral kittens rather than keep them myself. Perhaps a home with younger people than myself, who'll not probably croak long before them, possibly leaving them homeless once again in their lives😏
Good idea to find them homes with younger people. All my 10 cats were strays with one exception, a foster that I couldn't give back. Saved 2 mamas and litters in neighbors backyard. No more keepers for me also.