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RE: I'm NOT back in the driving seat...I'm on a new journey altogether...A prelude of posts this week...

in FreeSpeech4 years ago

Resurrection from the dead - multiple times...?!?!? Geezzzzzzzz... You must be a true Holy-man.

You've done better than methat's an accomplishment of sorts - I guess? financially here, even though I'm prettier than you (Don't get any ideas @frot), so

Anyway... Here's hoping you heal from whatever ails ya, before you croak again with your head in the shit-hole. I know how unpleasant that can be from past experience, after eating a couple of hotdogs from a sidewalk vendor... It sure helped turn me into a vegan for a few years, after that death...


I died for your sins, my son...
I'm fighting fit again, no probs. Cheers.

*You still have some hive coming your way from me...and lots of it (hopefully!) (I'm like an elephant, in certain ways...)

you have a large trunk... just had to, didn't you?

LOTS of IT...?!?!?!?!? Holy shmoley... just tuck it into my wallet any time you're passing through old friend😎 Baby needs new shoes:

 4 years ago (edited) 

....those shoes have years of use left in them!!!

My current footwear (one of three pairs), I bought for $12 - and seven years later, still have and use every day!

Some people are just so goddamn decadent!