in FreeSpeech4 years ago


Hello Everyone! Hope you all are doing fine and well. We all know, hive is all about communities without borders. A social network owned and operated by its users and powered by Hive.

According to the definition, I am the owner of my own account, I do have full rights to express and share my opinion, ideas and thoughts. As I am the operator of the account, I can set my own strategies and plans but definitely need to keep in mind that platform shouldn’t be misuse by plagiarism. Using source is valid but credit should be given.

I could definitely raise my voice against plagiarism. I personally don’t like and can never accept as I want people hard work to pay off and that’s what I always say. Coming to the post, content credit goes to me, image credit goes to sketchapp.
By the way no were in the content, “I mentioned this sketch is mine.” I just placed guideline and if you follow final outcome will look like this. For future details do check out the conversation that happened in discord is given below.


Coming to the main subject of the problem and definitely would like to raise the issue as someone is claiming that I have eight accounts which is not right. Why will I get banned for other people which accounts don’t even belong to me? Please, do homework before blaming anyone. People might know one another but it doesn’t mean you might have access to those people’s accounts.

How can they blame me without any evidence? What is the proof? This claim is not valid and I cannot accept this claim as I don’t have any access to those lists of accounts so definitely I cannot accept. Without any proof, how can someone blame? Calling someone fraud, is not accepted at all.


Power comes with great responsibility therefore use your power with proper proof and validity. Still no reply, still no response. That’s how you deal with people in this platform.

Hive is not my earning source nor I survive on it but I love these platform from heart, so I love posting blog on it.


Image link


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That is such a good title graphic you made, really awesome.

You were banned for the art fraud, the other accounts are not what led to your Hivewatchers ban.

@guiltyparties, thanks for the appreciation. Oh really sweetheart!!! For the art fraud??? Even though I mentioned the source and your friend @hivewatchers don’t count as valid because it’s a tiny source? How can a source be tiny? Now let’s come to the post you appreciate, I have written the whole content and didn’t mention the image source. May, I know is this a fraud? I need to know the rules as there are very less resource to learn about hive therefore do answer my question as it’s part of your responsibility.

The tiny, hardly visible/recognizable source was added at the bottom of the post after the art fraud was detected.
We don't believe in such stories about "forgetting" to add the source.

The art in that post was plagiarised. It is serious abuse.

Posting that art without the source was intentional. You carefully selected curated art tags for it. You exactly knew what tags to hit.
Even if you added this tiny source at the bottom, why would you think that effortless copying and pasting deserves to be monetized?
You are not new around so you know well what is considered abuse.

The wording in that post was an intentional attempt to mislead the community that you have drawn the art.

@hivewatcher, I didn’t say, “I have forgotten.” I mentioned, it was slipped of mind. By the way, this was my first post on hive and even my early post on steemit was long before almost two years ago and as I didn’t recheck so couldn’t recognised. Coming to your second point nothing was intentionally because if it was so then I would not have mentioned the source later. Coming to your third point that I carefully selected the art tag. Seriously, you are saying so???? These sketch made me written the content and remained me, how I used to draw and sketch in art class then why won’t I select art section? Now, let’s discuss the last point, even if I added this tiny source then why I think that deserves to monetised because source is source doesn’t matter tiny or big, what matter is source should be specific and genuine.

Hive watchers is affiliated with the Bernie Sanders account from steem. the following accounts are also affiliated with hive watchers.

An update on the toxic nature of these accounts. Not written by me.

Can you explain what's 'toxic' about protecting genuine users against fraudulent users like @anikaa ?

Whats wrong with their posts?

I just encountered this user for the first time and it looks like it photo collages?

The wording on the fraudulent post suggested they had created the artwork when they posted it without telling anyone it was the work from an App. The post was then amended after they were caught out. The art community takes people passing off others works as their own very seriously, hence the blacklisting and removal of rewards. This post isn't the offending post, it's the post of the drawn lady.

@nathen007, Yes! You have done your homework only on one subject means from one side, please do it from both sides and complete it.

@phusionphil, Thanks for showing your concern. Actually, I posted a blog almost after two years and it was my very first post on hive and as I didn’t recheck the post so couldn’t recognise about the source. Afterwards, when I got an appeal message to contact on discord, I immediately recheck the post, try to sort out the problem and solved it. Then according to message, “I contact on discord, explained the reason and the rest is history now.”

Please, do your homework and research before judging people.

but I love these platform from heart, so I love posting blog on it.

You haven't posted for two years! Your whole post and the language you used was designed to decieve. You are a cheat and fraud.

Okay fine!!! If that is so, then my whole content designed is based on the images I shared in these post? So, isn’t this a cheat and frand?

According to the definition, I am the owner of my own account, I do have full rights to express and share my opinion, ideas and thoughts. As I am the operator of the account

And everyone else has the right to upvote or downvote. It's a two way street. If you don't like it, go post on Facebook where no one cares....ohhh, you won't do that cos you won't 'earn' anything!

@nathen007, we are a community and we all together play a great role to build this platform as it’s a decentralised project. Now if I don’t like you, I just can’t go to your post and downvote you because there are some principles we need to follow and respect according to the platform. If my hive power is more then you, doesn’t mean I have to misuse it. We all should have an ethics and then think of earning from the platform. If you genuinely want hive to grow then remember every hive power matters. By the way, the other platforms you mentioned are not decentralised.