The Hive blockchain is an important political tool for people everywhere in the world facing oppression, brutality, censorship and discrimination.
Standing in solidarity today with our Hive sisters and brothers protesting in Nigeria against a regime of brutality set against a backdrop of economic freefall & rampant inflation. I read online this morning that crypto investors in Nigeria are considered especially vulnerable in terms of being targeted by "special forces".
Each of the authors featured today is a post beneficiary, so please be generous.
Let's make an extra effort to upvote and support our Niaga family in this challenging time.
Read. Upvote. Comment. Reblog. Tip.
The Police Is Killing Us #EndSars

Read more...You probably must have seen the hashtag #EndSARS trending today worldwide. The Nigerian youths are being harassed and killed by the SARS everyday and nothing is being done. These men for years have made it their duty to harass every young man who looks good, has a phone/laptop, dreads, car, e.t.c. You literally just have to be a young Nigerian and breathing to be harassed by these fuckers. A lot of us have first hand stories of harassment and a lot also are not alive to tell their stories.
Live and Let Live - Nigerian Youths Cry Out Against Police Brutality
I've been out on the street joining the Nigerian youth in a peaceful protest to exercise our rights and voice out against the truancy and brutality of the rogue arm of the Nigerian Police force called SARS against young Nigerians that has been going on for years with the lackadaisical intervention of the Nigerian government which only lasts for a couple of weeks before the "gun-men" take back to the streets. Read more....

hashtag End SARS, hashtag Justice For Uwa,
hashtag End Rape, hashtag Say no to corruption,
killings, suicide, frustration, as the new motto of the nation,
for how long shall we hide and continue
to protest and protect ourselves against our supposed protectors?
Our fatherland, our beloved nation, is now a fierce nation
and we are her citizens, we've become as fierce as the nation
and this baton, we pass to the next generation. Read more...

Get Your FREE Hive Account
As the mood takes me.@artemisshares is a simple, private curation project run by @artemislives. The goal? To increase exposure and rewards for great content that doesn't always get the recognition it deserves. Today it might be 3 healthful posts, tomorrow it might be 3 posts about freedom, red cars, crypto or dogs.
Each post featured here is a post beneficiary and the remainder used to build a juicier upvote. Because I believe in encouragement and at the end of a curating session, there are ALWAYS a few posts I'd like to do more for.
We hope all human be happy and healthy
We do. But we do more than hope. We work, advocate and speak on behalf of the many who can't. And we can't be silent in the face of violence & oppression.
tokens.Thank you for posting in Free Speech Community along with your independent curating initiative @artemisshares … 😎
Thank you for the platform which gives a voice to people who have important things to say that others seek to suppress. It matters.
Hoping to see lots more people posting about #EndSARS and the Nigerian police oppression.
This platform is OPEN to anyone wishing to express anything in any way they choose😎
Thank you for the encouragement.
@angryman - wanting to profile the FreeSpeech community through my HiveLift account - can you give me your discord ID or connect with me va twitter DM so I can send you some questions? Or email me through my protonmail is fine too: [email protected] 😊
Got it…!!! Will respond shortly @artemislives, in some way, shape or form...😎