freebornangel cross-posted this post in FreeSpeech 5 years ago

Noam Chomsky's Requiem for the 'Murican Dream.

in #noamchomsky5 years ago

I was gonna watch this to critique the guy.
I don't like him because he has been a pawn of the ruling class by being continuously in their employ.
But, I was mildly surprised.
He does an admirable job lining out how the system works.
It was not a waste of my time, @1.5x normal speed.
You might like it, too.
I guess now I'll just have to stick to hating on Murray Rothbard, for much the same reasons, tool of tptsb.


I switched my VPN from the Americas, to Europe, to Asia, and no matter where I set it to, the video was not available in my country. Maybe if I set it to Liberland, I could watch it.

Lol, they are getting stingier with the views.
Its the only thing they have to sell.
Greedy f**ks.

The guy is a brilliant idiot - (it happens a lot on the left, unfortunately).

On the other hand, he is is spitting image of my now dead Dad, thus I only like him...
(my dad was light years, wiser, however)