Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who do I hate, most of all....?

in FreeSpeech2 months ago

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I'd hate myself if I was wage slave.

I'd hate myself if was in loveless relationship and just going through the motions.

I'd hate myself for feeling duped - time and time again.

I'd hate myself if I knew I was playing small all my life, and was too chicken shit to ever do anything about it.

I'd hate it if I saw other people around me being happy, expressing humor, being joyful, and loving life...

I'd hate it if someone - who was none of things - kept reminding me of just how small I was, how gullible I was, of how much of a failure as a sovereign human being I've been .

Do my posts remind you of why you hate yourself so much?

Yeah... I get it.

I don't feel sorry for you .

Or hate you.

But then again, don't hate myself, either...

....Are you seeing how this works ? It's simple.

It has nothing to do with me.... I'm just a mirror.

I live rent free in your head, whispering to you, willing you to grow up, trying to help...and you know what?

.....you hate me for that to....

Hater's are gonna hate.