Immigration does not inherently fuel unemployment or criminality. A welfare state and prohibition laws do, though. Immigrants are a just convenient scapegoat for those who want to avoid the deeper issues at hand.
Weapons are not the root problem. School shootinngs were almost nonexistent until after Joe Biden and company pushed through the gun-free school zone act. Victim disarmament and systemic societal issues are to blame, not freedom. But again, guns are a convenient scapegoat.
Conversation, even when it is a heated debate, is welcome. You're not being rude or anything. This is far more productive than Web2 social media where karens call names and make wild accusations against anyone who dares disagree. You're not calling me a groomer or a child murderer, after all.
It would never be my interest to offend or disrespect you, besides, in my case it is by far very educational, so I understand your point of view that you live there. Thengo to my parents and sister living in Miami, but they are country people, so this topic is not theirs. I have learned that this administration is internationally recognized as being a bit incompetent, but hey, they only have one more year left in which they can continue to be even more disastrous, I guess.
I concluded long ago that the primary duty of each administration is to make their predecessor look competent and level-headed in comparison. If I am right, we're in for big trouble no matter what after the next election.
The next administration will have great difficulty in making it appear that this administration has been competent. To top it all off, the president has had some pretty big moments in which he has made some big mistakes.