Sunday reflections.....How to make a lefty use their synapses...I'm trying... Keep it simple, stupid....

in FreeSpeech5 years ago

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NOT an ideology, just a natural dynamic of a VOLUNTARY freedom of exchanges for goods (or services).

Any type of socialism:

An ideology based on human economic engineering (hubris) that circumvents - and thus destroys - the natural dynamic of freedom to exchange.


Capitalism is a system of free choice and exchange, leftism is control over peoples lives through economics.


Any synapses triggering yet?
Any smell of coffee?
Any pennies dropping?

You cannot have freedom and socialism. Control is not freedom.

Most importantly.....

So what does that say about you and your lefty mindset?_


I am in shock now , activity overload triggered i guess .....
Robin Hood ... was a filthy socialist bush robber .. and , and ... Dick Turpin , was he just being social to ??

Pirates ,.... where left wing sea robbers ?? ... Damn i have to reconsider my base of hero's now .
Thks for ruining my day and base structure i stood on .. ;-)


Most people — lefties and righties alike — have no idea what capitalism really is. Challenge: the individual is "worshiped" at the expense of the collective/common good.

Most people — lefties and righties alike — have no idea what socialism really is. Challenge: the collective/common good is "worshiped" at the expense of the individual.

BOTH of these can only exist in a vaccuum where such inconveniences as human nature don't get to interfere with their execution. Alas, we don't live in such a vaccum.

A conundrum, eh?

I think 'authoritarian' and 'non authoritarian' is a better paradigm. (but I love infuriating lefties by mentioning the very name...They have no sense of humor lol)
The left can only succeed with authoritarianism , as the current pro establishment stance from the left is showing.
(first revolutionary and rebellious, then inevitably mainstream...)

I find the leftist attitude much more sheep like when adhering to their political 'philosophy' (I use that term very loosely).

Human nature is very much in line the real capitalism. That's why it - as a system - was employed waaaaaay before money was invented - and why it's not an ideology.

I have no particular attachment to — or detachment from — either side of the table... my first interest lies in understanding how the growing prevalance of wilful malfeasance throws a system out of balance... and what (counter)measures are in place to ensure that such actions don't result in the collapse of the system.

I love the idea of "mom and pop capitalism," and it's actually part of why I ended up in the USA rather than in my native Denmark. BUT... it doesn't actually EXIST, it's an ideal that has been largely replaced by the feudal corporatocracy. And whereas I can appreciate the perspectives of Menger and other Austrian School theoreticians, I have to remind myself that they operated within the intellectual confines of universities and think tanks, they weren't actually out there running stores, factories or hospitals.

Yes, the lefties are definitely more sheep-like...

it doesn't actually EXIST, it's an ideal that has been largely replaced by the feudal corporatocracy

100% agree.

...they weren't actually out there running stores, factories or hospitals...

Austrian school economics is merely extrapolating into detail, the very simple dynamics of free markets.
The stores factories and hospitals need no theories.
Just the freedom of free markets.

Making things over complex, is just food for the lawyers. (and other parasitical beings)

One cannot understand something
when their lifestyle would be destroyed by that comprehension.

Leftist: "We will save all the poor people.. and the birds, and the unicorns, and everyone will live happily"

Voluntaryiest: "You do know that redistribution always comes after robbing from someone else?"

Leftist: "la la la i can't hear you..."

And what Leftist really meant was, "i want other people to keep paying for my lifestyle and bad choices because i am so worthless people wouldn't even bother to spit on me if i didn't have welfare"

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yea no lol

Yes and no?
How does that work then?