I live in the UK and free speech is becoming a real issue, university's are stifling it under the guise of "anti racism"
on top of that we have a police force that now want to be called a "police service" because force is to harsh a word, and basically police twitter more than actual crimes.
I'm from the the Uk (don't live there).
I was back there for a few years, about a decade ago. (I've spent the vast majority of my adult life outside of the UK).
Even then, the rules and regs for everything depressed the shit outta me..... I can only imagine how much worse it is now!
You might want to avoid Australia too, then. The rules and regs are worse than the UK! Not whay I was hoping for when I moved here, although the Aussies generally take them as suggestions more than rules. Perhaps that's why I thought they didn't have as many. 🤔
I did 6 months in oz, back in the mid 90's...probably my least favorite country I've been to.
It's warmer than England! 😁