A Balance On Hive That Serves Everyone! Feel Good & Optimise Investor ROI Without Crushing Community Sentiment & Good WillThis is an article response to @ura-soul 's article here - - https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@ura-soul/a-balance-on-hive-that-serves-everyone-feel-good-and-optimise-investor-roi-without-crushing-community-sentiment-and-good-will
After reading this well constructed article I started to write down considerations to different parts and it became quite large so here is the result. I recommend the new reader to start with the article I am replying to. Thank you!
As we mostly are aware, this means that Hive token holders will find the value of their tokens decreasing if they don't create content to receive rewards or if demand for Hive doesn't essentially increase in the market. This has led to people 'content farming' and forming 'circle jerks' where stakeholders constantly generate content and upvote each other in order to 'protect their investment' - at the expense of destroying the 'proof of brain' algorithm which has always underpinned Hive and which is intended to help creators to gain exposure for their own greatness, relevance or ingenuity when creating content.
This repeated emergence of wealth conditioning = greed - must be seen and dealt with the same way that blockchain has decentralized other issues. The idea of blockchain has started a ball rolling but it must continue in the same direction and be actively prodded that way.
Can we coin a new term - 'blockchain responsibility'?
Constantly adapting algorithms must be developed in order to adapt to the many holes in blanket systems that human's create in order to contain age old group-conditioning level issues.
I am not against humans - as it may sound here. I am against humans behaving unconsciously.
Responsibility = our ability to respond = willing consciousness = genuine free-will
It must be seen that the core of our conditioning in the collective is distorted - that the addition of power or wealth to any equation - equals greater and greater distortion of values.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where equity does not exist and life is not valued on equal par with wealth. This means that not only do we have those that seek to take to get more than the more they have - but we also have those that are innovative in their attempts to take because it can mean survival in the real world.
It is frustrating to observe for the person that sees another way is possible and seeing what actions by humanity collective are unconscious that can be remedied by simply being conscious or mindful of what it is we are doing.
Hive or something like it has potential to appease all of us - but certain key principles or boundaries must be adhered to above all costs.
This means that until the right adaptive code is generated we are dependent on 'good leaders'.
The end game = everyone is responsible for themselves and willingly takes responsibility, remaining conscious consciously while living in and actively creating a cohesive community that allows true freedom with everyone on board.
What a dream hey?
That end game has a windy narrow road in order to get to. It seems like the most simple and yet the most difficult thing.
For the moment, unfortunately, leaders are still necessary - however as more living men and women awaken to the reality of their present condition - leaders become less and less relevant as leadership is taken on by the collective as a whole using systems of consensus and equal education.
However, there are other even more nefarious ways that stakeholders can use to try to dominate the network for their own personal gain, which arguably should be even more heavily 'policed' (if we are to have policies enforced outside of the code of law at all). One such obvious one is to target highly rewarded accounts and try to get them to leave the network or simply remove their rewards.
This is an act of self-sabotage. An indulgent non-cognitive judgement that lacks foresight on the part of the suppressor.
They destroy the fabric of the very culture that their stake is dependent upon.
It is unfortunate that these demons of insecurity are present - however demons have a purpose - they show us what can go wrong.
This means - they are telling us how to fix Hive with their actions.
If they didn't abuse - we may just keep living in the 'la la land' where everything is fantastic and rosy and sheep lay down with lions.
It is important abuse exposes itself - because it provides a framework through which systems of equality need to adapt.
Thank you abusers. However, there is another way than to project time woven insecurities onto any outlet that seems to take it - that is to face it within the self. Eventually we all find a path to do this because the pain caused to ourselves by projecting becomes greater than the pain of facing ourselves within.
It would be nice to think everyone could take responsibility to the level equal to the amount of the cake that they claim.
Unfortunately this is often not the case.
In history, it is almost as if some 'good leaders' actually stifle social development because in some ways a dependence upon them by the public disallows the public to learn the lessons that abuse exposes which in turn leads to the path of everyone taking responsibility and learning collectively - which is the level these lessons need to be learned on.
It is not enough to have one aware individual leading a group of people who are blissfully unaware. In many ways it is kinder to show people the reality they live in now so they can take responsibility for the abuse now instead of giving them a kool-aid la la land provided by 'good leadership'.
One thing these 'good leaders' do provide - is a reference point for love and without this, we would have nothing to work towards.
Like with many things, there are two sides to the coin. The coin of abuse and the coin of 'good leadership'.
All these situations in time, calve a path to the destination of a people run and operated reset with no middle men and no overarching mechanisms designed to irrationally control.
This is an interesting point because on the one hand it is correct and on the other hand, the argument of the downvoters that it's their stake and they get to do whatever they want with it, also applies in the favour of those consistently receiving higher rewards.
Limited value set = if you have more, you can do what you like = the beginning and the end of the current social paradigm.
More profit can be made from Hodling and from Hive's growth than from a daily battle for the rewards pool.
Here, here.
Attempting to crush content that addresses the most pertinent topic on Earth is going to generate substantial backlash for valid reasons and many people who don't even normally get involved in the area may concur.
Here I am - getting involved. Can't help it.
Walking into a space occupied by large numbers of people, flashing cash around and telling other people to go along with you or get out - is NEVER going to be a good idea for your own investment, wellbeing or community cohesion - unless the receiver of those words is provably nefarious and problematic.
Here you are implying that a person with cash can block someone out if they deem them abusive. I see your point but simultaneously see this as part of the root of the problem - a reliance on 'good leaders' and a general lack of responsibility willing to be taken by the greater community causes the flip-side problem of abusers abusing because they have cash.
Enforcement of any kind needs to happen at a community level - or via a community code modelled consensus.
This algrothm could take years to complete and adapt but in my view it is necessary and possible.
I am a visionary, I have an understanding of code but I am not a developer. I hope to have input to the ethical debate to assist in the creation of an unstoppable idea.
The great inquiry of the mind as to a solution to the issues humanity faces is a complex and fascinating discussion to be had with many exciting debates and solution oriented sessions. It is a momentous time for the present humanity to be at the helm of so many potential tools to assist in createing this solution.
May we choose wisely in this time and may we learn from our mistakes. Utilizing respect and engaging in dialogue - we have the capacity through common sense to discover this solution together.
Thanks Ura-Soul for your contribution to solving this age old paradox of living and living free!
I’m glad that the discussions are being made and more noise is going on about this stuff. I would love to get away from personal biases affecting things. Let people have their own content and opinions, as long as it’s not violent, stolen or something egregious.
Hope you’re doing well man!
Very well put Sir.
i in-courage you to look deeper :-)
A Hive Eco-System Community using a Governance platform with an Anonymous One proof of Person (with a Trusted Reputation score), One Vote concentrated consensus mechanism, seems to be the answer to the above. It should not take years to develop, as the blueprint is there and super star Lethean Developer @snider is on the case. https://peakd.com/hive-153630/@atma.love/trusted-reputation?ref=atma.love
Sat Nam
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@cmplxty I am glad too. I am confident that a solution is available in humanity's current technology it just takes the right initiating force.
I am well, I now work full-time at a dairy while I prepare a screen-written play for contemporary dance using a story I've written and music I created for each part of the story. Now have a screen writer, costume designer, narrator and possibly a audio engineer on board - all from the Netherlands.
So it looks like the Netherlands is where we will develop the show.
Very exciting and a fun project to work towards!
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
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