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RE: What Does Decentralization Mean To Me

in FreeSpeech5 years ago (edited)

edited comment. I agree with the whole laymen aspect. For example, I was just scrolling through and missed the point that this was an eleven day old post. Unlike a lot of social media outlets, the hive once steem format is not a simple plug and play. A big obstacle to mass adoption me thinks. Ask how and when that will be and everyone (almost with religious fervor) suggest you should get it.... Understand better, be more involved.... however most people are just crying out for an easy to use decentralized outlet. Not everyone wants to be a member or a block chain fanatic. If that's the whole point then selling decentralized stuff to a mass market is going to be a tough sell. I then tried to upvote the post and it said I would reset my previous vote so I thought I may have accidentally flagged your post. I'm currently breaking in a brand new hyper sensitive mouse so panicked a bit so commented and apologized, but turns out after two years here I still miss things and it was just that the post was old so edited. I think once (if we ever) we maybe have a set up similar to your description of a group that accumulates and presents things to the community in a simpler way then we could be headed the right way. Maybe with their own rewards for holding their position much like witnesses who mine blocks today. I guess a free and truly decentralized market place for anything does need to be easily understood by it's day to day user base... Guess that's me being a laymen though. lol. Enjoyed the read and the perspective matey. :)


Well it was an old post, but no you didn't down vote it, one of the ankle biters did that. Yep just stumbling along the crypto highway and byways, and still pretty lost in it all. But i do seem to manage.

It would be nice if the designers could make it a simple thing you go to vote if it is over 7 days old and past payout, you get a simple pop-up "post is past payout do you still want to vote" thing.