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RE: Have You Heard of "Democide?"

in FreeSpeech2 years ago

@apolymask has written some posts about democide. It's really disappointing that those who want to strip their own rights to defend themselves are so naively ignorant of history. When power disparities exist, the powerful eat the weak. Governments, even ones that began as benevolent, inevitably begin on the slippery slope towards oppressing the people they claim to serve. As the oppression increases, the people making up the governmental bodies are quite aware that their actions create enemies. And at that point the paranoia of losing power, or outright death, dumps gasoline on the oppression fire.


Someone else to follow here!

George Floyd: democide.
Waco & Ruby Ridge: democide.
Jim Crow and the Tuskegee syphilis study: democide.
US and Canadian treatment of natives: democide.
Civilian deaths in civil wars: democide.

We don't need to erect conspiracy theories. We just need to strip away the veneer of legitimacy from the history we have been taught, and it's right there, plain as day. And people can easily see evil in the past, but turn a blind eye to the evil surrounding them today all over the world.