Sailing away , a daydream .

in FreeSpeech4 years ago

Sailing away .

It is a fine sketch rigged 22.8mtr long Scorpio 72 , updated and modern tech rigged , with no other goal as to follow the compass headings given by it's captain . I am lucky to be helmsman and rigger tuner of the sails on this nice vessel . There are a deckhand and a cook to , yes a cook , because he'll keep everyone hydrated and stuff . The captain is an old guy , his nick name angryman is these days only there as an reminder to his enemy's ,.. the fire is still there . The deckhand , who also does expeditions to land with the dingy and his dogs , besides doing dumpster raids he does some very good trading , is a moving dude that got stuck in a cold place before this came his way . Now he proudly calls himself movingman again . The cook was lost in his homeland and glad to get out , and very happy in this new free world . In a weird way claiming to be raised by wolves he has the German view on stocks witch is perfect to manage the kitchen , the old captain can be found stirring the pots to , for he likes to do so . While das woelfchen helped and learned some new stew to broil .

And yes there was a big change in the whole world that made this ship and it's yolly crew a reality like i just describe , the people won back there freedom . While economic's where crashing and governments where financial failing , a small group of lion's on a 5000 member block-chain platform took there measures . There little alt-coin became second in worth to bitcoin and stayed there to . Don't ask me how , my name is not Leo . Some Hive witnesses where able to take down big tech and the Technorati . Free border-less trade , in anything , and travel worldwide was now the normal . I admit i did not have match skin in it but my skills as sailor came in handy i guess . And it brought me just enough to take this pay-less job . Any profits the ship makes , i will get my cut ,.. like living on the ship with all to it is already a big profit to the quality of life . ( the ship is modern rigged with all foiling sails and powered winches ;-) )


For now we cruise at 8 nts average under sail 54°58'05.3"N 4°14'59.5"E heading south south west while 20 nts wind come blow from the west . Ill keep her as strait as possible for comfort witch still means walking on a angle a bit , but he' anything better then crossing the waters of those crazy Brexit Brit's . Boris went full dictator and sealed of the whole island , no one knows what is going on there , some whisper about forced psycho drugs , a dystopian system and mass killings by drugged ones on drug refuters . When the winds get to risky ill head for Ijmuiden and wait for a better breeze . No need to wake the captain at 4 in the night , no need for taking risk's , we have the time . The North-sea has a relaxing 3mtr swell , it's cloudy cold and rainy , it's November . Sitting in the inside cockpit helms-chair keeping watch on the heading and forecasts with my feet on the dash enjoying the waves going by . The forecast predicts 28nts turning south just a bit , rising and shorter swell , bumpy fast ride ahead . Only 3 hours left to the bell , i might see Texel on my right at sunset .

We left from Vestbygd Norway where Movingman boarded after spending the summer working on his plot of land . The ship made sight seeing trips and chilled out in the Norwegian fjords . Guest's where entertained by the captain . Two guest cabins and a vip cabin make it a bit more a passenger ship as a cargo hauler , but has it's advantages . If guest's pay or who is welcome is all in the captains hands . Paying guest's will fill my cut , but it's not important to me . Living the good free life is . Where i must say i got a bit worried about the good old man when lovely Norwegian nymphs stayed and the boat rocket steady true a wave-less night . Instruments gave warning on unbalance due to overload in the captains cabin . It's in the back has nice windows and a queen size bed . I was re leaved to see him sit in his captains chair with Misty-Girl his favorite kitty on a little platform attached to his chair giving her pet's and praises while cursing on ongoing world fuckery coming in true all channels . I guess push-ups do count for a healthy life .

The plan is to get to Spain , visit a natural healer lady who lives in a truck parked on her plot , the coin's did her good , still she lives independent self-sustaining and free with her two kids in this Truck , at least , it's part of the structure that functions for them as a house . They did some tweaking , there are two trucks now . We trade with her and the community she is among , we have not much cargo space , about a ton , but a big freezer , and for a wild cached frozen salmon some will trade a lot of tomato's . We hope to stay there for a week or so , get some natural spiritual healing advice , learn some herbs and move on with a mission .

Yes , a mission our captain took on , instead of going of bluewater sailing in the Caribbean we are on our way to Australia , and New Zealand . A mission with two parts . First part is bringing European herbs and goods to a kids teacher with knowledge of natural medicine . Goods from Trucklife her personal brew for a woman who makes rivers-flow ,.. and crosses them for fun in a landrover . But before we get there we need to do some payed job .

Getting to Australia would take a route passing Cape Town for it beats paying the Suez channel toll if you have time . Wasn't it that a English guy living in Thailand was ready to pay that toll for a few days , or weeks , of stay in the vip cabin ,fuck it , just come visit me he said , take some salmon , will have a fun bbq , discus the Lucylin rites and mysteries . So the Suez channel it is . witch is good and will give us opportunity to make a stop at Agios Nicoleas in the Peloponnese . Get food water fuel and some shotguns . the Asian waters are notorious for there machete pirates , slug blasting hole ripping shotguns will keep them of .

For the second part of our big mission we will after visiting Australia get to New Zealand . There is treasure to pick up , and our captain holds the map . This jackpot of frotune consists of an art collection digitized and hidden away on 33 hard-drives safely packed and buried in a field ,... a sheep field . The Artist has not many works in circulation , prices skyrocketing . It's true what they say , artist's start earning mostly after death . Tragic how this true fighter and spirit was the only deadly victim during the transition . What really happened , we will never know , trampled to death by mad sheep , what a way to go . How the Captain got hold of this map is not known to me , i just know that he knew Frot . The man travels the planet to secure his legacy from destruction and pay his respect to a hero for freedom , making sure his bloodline will get a fair chair of the loot .

Well it's bin a while sins i entered this match info in my log , the date 11 Nov 2022 , time 04:39

This absolutely fictional blog entry from the non existing future of helmsman Daniel R.K. is purely meant for entertainment purposes , any comparison with today's reality are pure coincidental . no claims can be made from this fiction . Daniel R.K. went on with his epic journeys and at old age led a fleet as admiral that conquered the Brexit blockades and freed the Brits . After winning many sea battles against Chi Ping to protect free trade routes .

I know , it's based on a lot of hopium (except a death artist that is) , but isn't it nice to smile at a daydream so ones in a while . And be amused by it , then take it for what it is , fiction ,be entertained and return to reality .

picture source : digital altered screenshot from a boat for sale ;-)

Now burn me in the comments ;-)

 4 years ago (edited) 

pinged them😏That sailing ship's captain sounds a bit familiar...??? Along with a few other characters mentioned @small1axe... Like @riverflows @trucklife-family @lucylin @frot and a few other fine feathered friends of @peakd I hope they find you after I

You surprised me at the end, saying it was merely a daydream. I thought it was reality within another dimension of time and space😎


Please use to send tips - because of HF24 tipU can not reliably send tips :(

Al comparison you think to see are coming from the Mandelbrot effect . And i might have used names from this reality to spice up the story a bit .
I declared it daydream for safety reasons , CIA , KGB , MI6 and Mosad would hunt me down if i could see true space and time in to other dimensions , mold them and mix them even ,... in to story's ;-)

 4 years ago (edited) 

That was trippy!

I'm going to start burying some hard drives now!


Better not , i gladly give up the reality of the fictional future from helmsman Daniel.R.K. to see you have a long and happy life ;-) . Even when the story goes that he lived on for over 800 years after society forced his brain in to an artificial created clone to save him from injuries taken during the rebel attacks on the alien lizard moon base , witch he took part in as the HIGH commander ,...finally kicking the lizards out of our system .
It would get boring to in the end i guess , let's concentrate on making here and now a good place to be ;-)

Well I would hope that there would be an invite to jump on board for the trucker lady and her kids, want to deliver those goods to Rivers myself lol. Loved this story, here's to it happening, going to manifest it now xxxx

11 Nov 2022 , the ship still needs to pass the Dutch channel ( some call it the English channel while in fact it's mostly Belgium waters ) , anyways time enough to contact the captain for a change in plan . I think the old cap will do the right thing when it comes to helping people out of a tight spot .
I am glad you liked it , and welcome aboard ,... don't sail away to far ;-)

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