STEALTH: Sound Re-released

in FreeSpeech5 years ago

Since my survival videos are way down the list, I decided to re-release them. These videos include how to lessons, advice, and knowledge I gained from My Dad. In fact, most of what I have learned on this topic I learned from my Father growing up. I think it's a good idea to share these again especially for those of you who did not see them. Yeah, time flies doesn't it. Hopefully, the topics I cover inspire you to remember what YOU'VE learned and get you in the surviving mood.

Here is the video available only on BitChute.

Sound Thumbnail.jpg

Intro music: Magical Path by Alexander Blu

Catch me on:

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Might consider a small chalkboard/eraser or cloth to wipe so you can communicate and wipe clean so you don't leave paper footprint behind. You probably already have a video on it, but one of the largest giveaways one has is motion. People standing still can be hard to spot, even if not in camo. Becomes more obvious if their colors stand out against the natural colors. But even with camo movement will give you away. Animals will also give you away at times (or others). If you see birds taking off suddenly nearby, best to understand there might be a reason you too would not want to be there in a bug out situation.

Great video, and my comments were more for your audience as I know you already know this stuff.

Yup, did a video on hiding and motion and traveling during SHTF and re-released them. I have one on using hand signals too coming back at some point. I like the small wipe board idea. A lot actually. I didn't think of that. Dad taught us to use hand signals. A combo of sign-language and signals. It's fun to design them but everyone has to know them. This would be difficult if a group grows. Newbies won't know them. A wipe board is a great idea for more complex conversations anyway so yeah......adding to my list to get for my bag. Thanks!!!!!!!

Observing nature is another good reminder especially the birds suddenly taking flight. Oh yes!!! Big and easy heads up. Thanks for bringing that up. Glad you liked the video. Not my favorite but worth rehashing.