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RE: Have You Heard of "Democide?"

in FreeSpeech2 years ago

Putting this stuff up on FakeBook is a good way to get banned. I would suggest exploring the blogosphere instead, where individual bloggers may be able to curate their comment section, but not so much articles written in rebuttal. There are some WordPress blogs and other websites out there with fairly large followings that are propagandising people outside of the mainstream. Part of the reason that I lambast Bill Astore so damn frequently is because he keeps attempting to convert normies into authoritarian collectivists (more so than they already are, that is). The following is a passage from an article I wrote titled Bracing Views is a Cesspit of Midwittery which I intend to have my foul-mouthed alter-ego recycle in a future article titled The Doctor Dino of Reformists :

He believes that a perfect society would be bereft of a free market, with “essential” products and services being nationalised, prices and wages set by the government, and all wealth would be “equitably distributed,” in his own words. He also says, in no uncertain terms, that he believes these proposals to be “neither right nor left,” but simply “reasonable.” Reasonable or not, these ARE left-wing economic policies, these are socialist policies, and he knows as much.

I have a bunch of links to relevant articles in Bracing Views is a Cesspit of Midwittery, but the article is currently private, so let me know if you're curious, and I'll make it temporarily available.


I no longer care about getting banned. If I am silenced by their pressure, I have already lost without acting. I may as well say what needs to be said, and consequences be damned.

Exactly my sentiments before I got myself banned from LinkedIn. I'm sure @fiberfrau would approve!

At present, I am mainly taking a sabbatical from Facebook for the sake of my mental health, but my account under my real name where I try to be professional isn't even safe thanks to our regional library censorship nonsense. These slanderous psychopathic control freaks are invading the most mundane of local pages with their lies and accusations. I am just tired.