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RE: Walz is Wrong on Every Level

in FreeSpeech6 months ago

Just so you know, most of the people who are smart enough to reject the false dichotomy and call themselves "politically homeless" are socialists. In other words, red-pilled on the current regime, but still hopelessly blue-pilled on government itself, and many of them think China is some kind of utopia. It's been wild to watch the Democrat apparatchiks smear them as "trumptards" despite them saying that the dems are "too far right" for their tastes. Thanks to the dissident left (as contrasted with the establishment left) rejecting the "Trump is Hitler" narrative, we now have articles about "MAGA Communism" or "Republicans are the real socialists," and finally, FINALLY, after seventy fucking years, an admission from the establishment that Nazis were indeed socialists, albeit somehow still right wing.

Oh, and apparently Russian propaganda is behind both the dissident right and the dissident left. Cannae make this shite up.

If the establishment doubles down on its current trajectory, I foresee a Bolshevik Revolution happening in the near future. Thoughts? I could go on, but I'd rather not leave you an entire book to read.


A financial collapse is all but inevitable, although timing remains to be seen. A civil war between the authoritarian left and authoritarian right is not impossible. The government schools have succeeded admirably over the last 44 years in educating people to just bicker over different flavors of state supremacy and pretend it means freedom. I'm feeling quite "black-pilled" on all things political.

That said, at least America has a lot of guns, and people who just want to be left alone have access to large enough magazines to confront hordes of pillagers. I just hope enough of them can dislodge the boots they've been deep-throating.

I can get along with the commies who don't have delusions of political monopoly. I've met a few who favor voluntary associations and collectivism without coercing outsiders. But most want to be the technocratic elite.
