We are constantly being sold this idea, that convenience makes our lives better. Makes them easier. But at what cost? Most of the time when you opt for the convenient option, you end up losing a little more control over your life.
Suddenly, lots of things are no longer in your hands and yes that may seem like a positive thing at first. But it is none the less, disempowering. We become so comfortable, with having things sorted out for us, that we no longer react when some other intervention is announced.
All because they very cleverly use the words, "for our convenience".
But really when you begin to dig deep, you realize that the only people who benefit, are those who are calling the shots. Because all this convenience, lulls us into a false sense of security. Handing our power over and becoming more detached, from our own lives.
From what we actually need to survive.
How many people know they source of their water and if it has been treated in any way, before it reaches them. How many people eat food without checking where it has come from and how it has been produced or cooked.
How many care about the many different ingredients ( or poisons) that go into processed food and the long term effects it has on their body.
What about the air we breathe, how many people are ready to confront the fact that our skies are being sprayed with toxic chemicals. As well as our soil.
One thing I have noticed, is if you really want to live a convenient life, then you better not start asking questions. It is better to just go along with what plan or agenda is already in place.
We have heard talk of a digital I.D's / passports, something that is very much being sold, for our convenience. These I.D's, will hold every last bit of our personal information and yes it may make travelling easier for some. But it is just another way to track us and even control our movement.
If we allow this to come in globally, we are handing the last of our freedoms away. But coat it as being convenient and no one bats an eyelid.
I recently watched a video on Telegram from GB news in the U.K, where Mark Steyn was interviewing a woman about Digital I.D's. I wish I could share it, but as of yet I haven't found a way. The woman mentioned how The CEO of one of Holland's largest banks, had come out and said, live on a Radio Show, 'how about we start with personal Carbon Credit or a Carbon Wallet'
If everyone was to receive one, then the people who can't afford to travel and who have a low carbon footprint, could then sell their Carbon credit, to those who have a larger Carbon footprint.
In effect selling their carbon allowance, so that the rich can continue to live as they do and hold onto their freedoms. Which will do nothing to lower our overall carbon footprint and instead create an even bigger divide, between those who are rich and those who are not.
The CEO, then went on to mention that so far it is just a 'Thought Experiemnt', all the while familiarising people with this idea so that it will be easier to implement.
All of this, is being sold to the people as being a convenient way for them and those in power to help lower our overall carbon foot print. But what it really means is that the government can monitor all of your movements and restrict them if they wish, by reducing your allowance.
I know many people may not share my opinion about this, but we should be very careful about how much power we hand over.
If the government, were really concerned about the environment, then why are they not calling out Large corporations that use Incinerators or Nuclear Plants that on top of creating a huge amount of waste, also use millions of litres of water daily, to cool down their reactors?
It is time to really think about, what world you want to live in. Because if they bring in Digital I.D's then there is no going back!
Climate change is serious issue all over world
For sure the climate changing is something to be aware of, but we also need to ask why the big coporations and companies are not being held to account for what they are doing to the earth xxx
Such a hard to sort out issue... On the other hand if you wanted to take everything into your own hands would mean to always be producing things which is exactly why society went the other way. Ideally we would take care of our needs as a community, but then come issues as access to the land and dealing with the massive force of the system... Anyway, hope we empower ourselves to see this through
Then we just place our forenoon right in other peoples hand to control which is risky.
Totally agree, we'll said! It's scary how many people are just going along with all this. . .or just don't want to know or care
Read this yesterday, couldn't comment. Loved this idea so much. 100% behind everything you've said. On the one hand, we're fed this constant fucking hysteria about "the climate crisis". On the other, no one's doing jack about huge industries that are contributing to this alleged crisis a thousand times more than the individual. Funny how, apparently, the change is always in the hands of the small individuals of the Western world (you don't hear much of this climate shit in Saudi Arabia -- like we don't share the same climate or something, huh.).
I thought you made an excellent point about the power dynamics staying the same, even with a Carbon Credit or whatever you call it. Stuck with me, and few things do, so bravo on this text, really.
Aish, they loved the Chinese style social credits system as soon as they seen it in operation. Tackle the dissenters by simply switching them off, to food, to banking, to mortgages, to society in essence... Henry Kissinger, praised the system openly, he would though wouldn't he?
I have talked for many years about what would essentially be a carbon tax under a tonne of different names and micro taxes. The ordinary person would be charged a fee for using certain less responsible consumer items while the mega corps would be allowed to rape the earth, poison the water, the air and kill the trees, make our kids sick and receive huge bonuses, contracts and sustainability awards... What a bloody joke, right?
There's another huge transfer of wealth coming down the track, we all see it vividly, people use that term as if it is an economic principle when in fact it is exactly what it appears to be:
The money transferring from the hands of those with little to the hands of those that have much and always seem to want moremoremore!
Homes and businesses will be repossessed and sold to those who own multiple businesses for pennies on the pound, the banksters will take a huge cut along the way. Fake debts that never even really existed will be called in, then when those with little cannot pay, their debts will be sold on to the bailiffs for pennies on the pound, then those who have already suffered will lose the few meagre possessions they have amassed.
After: Boom times will return mortgages for all, business grants for all with endeavour, credit being thrown around like confetti until the whole cyclical theft machine begins again.
The ultimate convenient finance amassing system for those sitting atop the system. GMO's are convenient aren't they, just don't ask the hand to mouth farmers now expected to give almost all they make to Monsanto, that's if Gates and Bezos haven't thrown them off their land yet!
Convenience foods are the ultimate convenience, unless you don't have early dearth on your goal list.
Convenience truly is in the eye of the beholder, or should that be owner?
Oh dear I feel a little negative and cynical right now, funny how the truth can do that to ya, isn't it?
I just hope the next 'redistribution of wealth' sparks the anger of those who still refuse to accept how things really are and go along blinkered in an attempt to keep the peace and fly under the radar, once we reach a point of critical mass, things will change, the system will collapse and need to rebuilt in a different way.
Wonderful to cross paths with you my friend, hope you and your girls are doing magnificent, much love and the very best wishes going out to you all as always 😎💝